Well, we [I]are[/I] just a recon-patrol to get an accurate fix on the enemy and their strength, adding a few Puma IFVs to our immediate rear and an armored train for a mobile fire support base at the nearest subway-entrance/tunnel should be plenty of ground-based support on our side. As for the enemy, I'm sure they've got at least a pair of IFVs (mostly for SPAAG duties) and a troop-transporter or even a tank behind the next rise. So I'm not sure volunteering for the 'glory' of checking their dead is going to be such a great idea if it's a omni-way killzone (basin/valley). Best let the german squad do that. Making the crystal-formations more expansive (or building an abandoned surface-settlement out of it) could be a plausible excuse, and use of long-range plunging artillery-fire would make sense (heck, hitting a crystal with a 155mm shell... ridiculous amount of non-magnetic splinters).