Here's my character; been a long time coming. Name: Max Doherty Nickname: Manic Max Gender: Male Age: 29 Appearance: [img][/img] Type of Character: Ex-ODST, Civilian Rank: No rank Armor/Clothing: [img][/img] Weapons: M739 Light Machine Gun(Squad Automatic Weapon, SAW) 72 Round Loaded Mag, 2 extra mags. M6H Handgun, one 8 round mag loaded two extra mags, a large butcher knife Equipment: Three high-capacity water bottles, three MREs, half battery flashlight, Map of New Alexandria, small toolkit for vehicle repairs, a half empty can of biofoam Personality: Max is a conspiracy theorist. He never believed what the UNSC were feeding civilians, at least, until Reach fell the first time. Then he started believing them. He can be described as having 'apophenia', a tendency to see connections where none exist. He finds it easy to trust people, surprisingly, but this is mostly because he’s intelligent enough to discern that they almost certainly have no plans against him. He takes comfort in the knowledge however, that he could probably kill them if it came down to it. History: Max was born and raised on Reach, and from a young age didn’t trust the UNSC. His father was an Insurrectionist, and Max was raised with Insurrectionist values, right under the UEG’s nose. His father wasn’t the typical image the UNSC painted of an Insurrectionist- Rather than a big, tough, dumb brute, he was a scientist. He called the UNSC ‘unethical’. Said he had evidence of them violating Mortal Dictata. At the time, Max didn’t really understand that, nor did he care. Even though he never moved, Max always felt like he was on the run. He had no friends, as his father encouraged him not to ‘associate with locals’. He never acquired any major possessions either, as his dad insisted he be ready to pack and go at a moments notice. This encouraged the growth of an intelligent, if socially sheltered, child. He excelled at his studies, finding little to do but study. As he passed into his last year of middle school, however, his father fell ill. Max retreated from his studies, spending more time devoted to taking care of his father. His dad insisted he carry on the Insurrection, so, naturally, Max began digging. He searched for information, the knowledge being practically a drug. More important than anything schools could have taught him. The UNSC was _lying_ to people. Secret programs, fishy troop movements… Something didn’t seem right. What seemed really backwards to him was mentions of something called “The Covenant” in thier files. He never managed to stay in the system long enough to figure what it was, but it screamed propaganda to him. Eventually, word came to the colonies of The Covenant. An alien species with massive destructive power. Max didn’t believe it. The UNSC were just scaring people, to put them in their place. He wouldn’t buy it. He was proven wrong when The Covenant attacked Reach. He was forced to leave his work behind- He destroyed it, so the alien bastards couldn’t find it. ON that day, he decided that humanity needed a fighting chance, and any infighting wouldn’t help. He was forced to abandon a cache of weapons he’d been stockpiling- An assault rifle with ammo, a half dozen frag grenades, and the crowning jewel, a rocket launcher with three rockets. All he remembers is that it’s somewhere in New Alexandria- assuming it wasn’t destroyed in the glassing. Soon after that, he joined the ODSTs. He wanted to serve, as if to repent for not believing in a very real threat, almost costing him his life. He trained with tenacity, and made friends in training. But he had trouble making friends- A deep seeded distrust for the UNSC was still there. In time, he bonded with his squad. He was in the middle of an OP, a few months ago, when his connections to the Insurrection were discovered. The UNSC had planned to execute him; but in light of his service to the ODSTs, and his severance of ties to the Innies, he was only kicked out of military service. He moved back to New Alexandria, retreating to a more quiet life. But he never stopped digging. Now the information wasn’t dirt against the UNSC- He just wanted to know things. When the Flood invaded, he pulled out his old armor and guns, plus a kitchen knife, and set to surviving. Other: “Dear Humanity… We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to earth. And we most definitely regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy ass fleet!”