This RP is set in 2015, and history has been completely screwed. One of the aspects of this RP is that players will be able to change history completely from the classical era to the current year. While names of major events will stay the same, with some possibly being erased, and the technological level will also be the same, players may completely change the outcomes of these events and what nations participated in them. I will try to keep a tight leash on how much territory any one person is allowed to have, and try to mediate so agreements about the outcomes of events are mutually accepted. Resources and population of areas are also the same, with some variance allowed for population. Rules: 1.As per the usual, standard RP rules apply. 2.Guild Rules apply as well. 3.Keep arguments out of the OOC, if it is related to the RP add me and all parties involved to a PM and I shall mediate from there. 4.I am not infallible, nor perfect. If you have problems with any decisions, PM me in a kind and respectful manner. 5.Be kind and respectful to others in the roleplay. 6.The RP shall start on the first of January, 2015. App Guidelines and Format: 1.Anywhere from 1000 B.C to 2015 A.D is modifiable and decidable by the player. Do note that if issues arise over certain areas and events, I will be mediating so we can all work out agreeable outcome. 2.Technological level is the same as our day, keep this in mind. 3.While you do have total freedom, for the love of god keep your nation serious. 4.Territorial size will be limited, do keep this in mind and do not build world-spanning empire. 5.Realism in the sense of the various scientific laws is still present. Name of Nation: Territories:(When doing this section, just name the countries or regions of modern day countries you wish to take) Description of Government: Description of Military: History: Other: Name of Faction: Type:(Corporation, Rebel Group, Political Movement, etc) Assets:(Personnel, Land, other buildings, etc. Although land will be extremely limited for Factions) History: Nothing else to say, so lets see how this goes, and yes I know the OOC is terrible but there is not really anything I can do to improve it. I claim Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Belgium, Slovenia, and Croatia, as well as the Alsace-Lorraine region of France. This does seem like a lot, but when actually put on the map it's rather small. I also plan to have a few colonies.