[b]Name:[/b] Nero Alexander [b]Nickname:[/b] Shade [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Guild:[/b] Unafiliated [b]Rank:[/b] Mage [b]Personality:[/b] Not relay inspired on how to put this, basically he doesn't like people. He is super analytic, and exhibits antisocial and borderline psychopathic behaviors. [b]History:[/b] Nero was taken nearly at birth from his parents, who are presumed dead. He was given to a vary old man who lived in a cave on Ironthorn mountain, Mythical home to the original Magic counsel. There he raised the young boy as a son, and that boy grew up happy. At the age of six Nero was given the first ring, the ring of the maker. He began to teach the boy magic, as he had mastered much magic in his time. The old man claimed to be one of the original magic counsel members, from the days of Zeref. The old man died when Nero was ten, and that released a bond that only after that death did Nero realize. He had been bound to the old man by the 'Chains of Fate', which were tied to the 'Collar and cuffs of the servant'. As he wandered the countryside, Nero began to gain a sort of reputation because he was so young. He began to eliminate rouge magi, and he began to become feared for his abilities. During his travels he followed the old man's clues, and slowly he began to collect the rest of the rings. [b]Magic:[/b] Mageslayer magic. It's a holder type magic, unlike the other caster type slayer magics. It was designed by the magic counsel as a way of eliminating rouge magi around the time of Zeref. It was imbued in a set of 8 rings, and was given to a group of elite warrior magi. Each of the 8 rings is designed to battle another type of magic. - Ring of the maker: Designed to counter maker magic, allows the wearer to mirror maker magic that he has scene - Ring of requiem: Designed to counter magi with magic weapons, it allows the wearer to create a near perfect copy of the wielder's weapon - Ring of precondition: Designed to counter magi who could see the future it shrouds the user in a sort of time mist so they can't be seen in visions and gives the user foresight of the opponent's attack. - Ring of the elements: Designed to counter elemental magic, allows the user to for a limited time use the same element as his opponent and fight fire with fire. - Ring of shadows: Designed to counter assassin magi, this ring allows the user shroud themselves in darkness and to see all those that are invisible. - Ring of the celestial: Designed to counter celestial magic, it allows the user to summon a mock celestial spirit, and if they make a contract with a celestial spirit it allows them to open the gate without the key - Ring of the takeover: Designed to combat takeover magi, it allows the user to use takeover magic with anything they have defeated. Including other magi. - Ring of the dragonslayer: Made to defend against the mythical dragonslayers if the user of the ring consumes a dragonslayer's attack then it allows the user to use the basic wing, roar, and claw attacks of a dragonslayer. He also wears a leather and silver studded color and cuffs, these will suppress his powers and if he pledges himself to a Master or Guild he will be bound to them until they let him go. [b]Other:[/b] I think I'm going to go with this one magic, cuz it's op and its main limitator is that it's not vary effective with non mages :3 Also, first