Name of Nation: Republic of Texas Territories: Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Colorado and Oklahoma. It has a small swathe of Mexican land as well, rounding out the South-West corner of the state. Description of Government: Republic government much like the US government. It is smaller in scale and some of the terms are different, but it operates nearly identically. Description of Military: The army is best described as a compromise between quantity and quality. Moderately sized. The Army is designed for mobility and quick strikes, with enough APCs or other armored land vehicles to transport every one of the ground troops. They lack heavier firepower as a result, however. The Navy is well-armed. One supercarrier, five destroyers, ten frigates, seventeen patrol ships, three amphibious transport docks, and other support craft. The Marine core of this Navy is small, but armed to the teeth and trained to be the best Texas can offer. The Air Force consists of around 108 fighters and fighter bombers, plus cargo planes and several other support aircraft. The use of drones hasn't really caught on because of fears about electronic warfare. History: Native peoples from the lands known as Mexico in our timeline migrated North to find their own land, and intermingled with the natives already living there. After a few skirmishes, peace was finally established, and happiness ensued. Not for long. Settlers from other lands came and tried to conquer the land. The Texan people fought bravely, but over half of their male population was lost as they fought long and hard. It was a Pyrrhic victory, but by the 1800s, Texas was left alone to lick her wounds and recover. Withdrawing into some isolation afterwards, Texas suffers some from a heavy distrust of outsiders, but continues to survive fairly well. Other: This country is fairly isolated and doesn't like to help outside nations. (edits still in progress)