[b]EDIT: Since I guess I didn't make this clear: DON'T COME TO ME WITH AN RP IDEA THAT IS JUST A PAIRING. To repeat: ROMANCE ALONE BORES ME. It's great as a piece of a larger plot, but stagnates really quickly if it's just two people entering and having a relationship. I prefer if there are [i]at least[/i] four characters in an RP (doubling. Two for each roleplayer). [/b] I've italicized my reasoning for this below. So...hi! I'm Merry and yeah, besides a couple casual RPs with RL friends, I haven't roleplayed in a long time, and I've been finding myself missing it! Before I start--I'm a female, finishing up university, and I just completed a creative writing thesis, so I'm kind of suffering burnout. I figure RPing could be a good way to keep myself writing without looking at the next huge project. :) Basically, I'm looking for [b]fun, fairly easygoing RPs[/b]--I've always found around 2 paragraphs a good average length for myself; frankly, much longer and it tends to feel cluttered or stagnant; I like it when things are moving along, though obviously there are moments were more is a necessity. Which is awesome, too, where it works. I [b]do[/b] expect high-quality language and good grammar, though--give me an interesting vocabulary, varying sentence structure, something interesting to read, and I'll do my damnedest to do the same. I'm friendly, I like to chat, and because of my workload, I really am just in this for good writing and fun. [b]18+[/b]--though lots of sex and violence is hardly a necessity, I do like grit and realism and drama and action and all that jazz. That said, I [b]don't[/b] do romance-based RPs. I love romance [b]IN[/b] my RPs, but heck, I don't even read books where two people in love are the main draw, and I certainly don't write like that. Romance is great, romance-only is not. [b]Character interaction[/b] is my favorite part of any writing, so expect to double [i]at least[/i]. [i]Strong friendships, powerful platonic partnerships, dysfunctional family relationships--the best roleplays I've ever done were where there was a mess of characters, all with their own different interrelationships and ways of reacting to each other[/i]. Personally, I find RPs like that tend to last longer and be more enjoyable. :) I also like working with my RP partner to hash out possible plots and stuff. As for characters--I guess mainly I don't like powerplayers/godmoding, and I don't like cliché stock characters--the dark sarcastic loner, the tragic silent one with the unspeakable past, the beautiful angel of everything--I guess these can work if they're very well thought-out, but I've never seen that happen. Mostly they just tend to derail meaningful interaction between well-developed characters. Which, like I said. Favorite thing. I roleplay all types of pairings--FxF, MxM, MxF--or, better yet, a combination! I'll hopefully be able to reply pretty regularly (daily at least?) but I do have some health problems and I am in school. If I'm not going to reply for any significant amount of time (more than a day or two), I'll try my best to give you a heads up! [b]PMs[/b] rather than boards, please. :) Now, as for what I like to roleplay-- [b]Fandom[/b]--I don't RP canon characters, but I do like mucking about in other people's worlds sometimes. Harry Potter--especially modern day non-Hogwarts (how do other wizarding schools work?) or historical (Hogwarts in the 1920s? The 1790s?) Pokemon--especially something other than just 'trainer journey'. I have a few ideas regarding characters besides trainers. :) [b]Non-Fandom[/b] [b]Fantasy[/b] (whether involving 'people with supernatural abilities' or 'supernatural creatures' or both)--I especially like characters who are either a really weird type of creature not often used (qalupaliks instead of vampires, that kinda thing) or have really weird, possibly useless or damaging abilities). Either [b]Historical[/b] or [b][s]Modern/Urban[/s][/b] (I have several Modern/Urban right now, so I'll take some convincing.) [b]Historical Non-Fantasy[/b]--the eras I know most about would be Gilded Age/Roaring 20s America, medieval and Renaissance Europe, and the long 18th century most places. (These also apply to Historical Fantasy). [b]Modern Non-Fantasy[/b]--I'd prefer if we work out a driving plot before hand, because 'people interacting in the modern world' is...kind of every day for most of us? Various possible settings--university campus, equestrian facility, adventure in a big city, mystery/drama in a small town? [b]Mythology[/b]--I'm best versed in Greek/Roman, could probably do Norse or Biblical (Angels/Demons, Deadly Sins/Heavenly Virtues), but I also like a combination--I know a fair amount about various international mythologies and enjoy muddling them together. :) [b][s]Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopia[/s][/b]--especially if there's a cool scenario we can work out together. I'm not a big Hunger Games fan, I'm afraid, but working out cool dystopic situations is always fun. (Again, I've got several, so you'll have to convince me!) [b]Sci-Fi[/b]--not gonna lie to you guys, science was always my worst subject, so if you're looking for someone for a 'hard' science fiction RP, I'm not your girl. But I've been a sci-fi fan since I was little, so if you can put up with that, I'm game. :) I [b]do not[/b] RP animals, furries, really twisted stuff, asylum, or any fandoms I haven't listed (...mostly because I'm a student who doesn't have a lot of time to read or watch TV and doesn't KNOW a lot of fandoms sorrysorrysorry). Other than that, if you have an idea, I'm open. :)