Hello everyone! Thanks for coming and peeking at my interest check, hopefully you can find something here that catches your eye. If not, I’m sorry. For starters, I need to lay down some ground rules. – I can hear the groans already. – [center] 1) I am a full time graduate student. I go to school late in the day, and I don’t get home until around midnight. Pacific Standard Time. 2) This means, I do not have all the time in the world to just chug out a reply to you whenever it says I’m “online”. I maybe online, I download the replies to my RPs and reply in my down time when I’m not reading or doing homework. – if you do not understand this, or are going to multi-“bump” me to get a reply, then please don’t bother asking to RP with me. – 3) I will RP from casual (meaning 1-2 paragraphs) up to high advance or literate (3+ pages, written in Microsoft word) [u][u][b][b]4) Do not give me a one-liner… at all. I will drop and will never reply to you... ever.[/b][/b][/u][/u] 5) I am open to canon characters, but I prefer OCs. I can do canon timelines, but our story-line(s) if OCs are involved need to run parallel to the original, not inter-mingle. – this means I’m not an AU type of person¬ 6) Finally, I do play both genders. I expect you to as well. I prefer to double, if it isn’t (femme)slash. 7) I prefer PM based RPs to threads. But you may be able to talk me into a thread if you are good. [/center] With that being said, I do have a good love for topics that can hold my interest for months. Quick plots are okay, but they aren’t my favourite. I like the following, but, if what I have listed doesn’t spark you, then drop me a PM. (I don’t really like to clutter up my threads) with your idea and I’ll see if we can make it work for the both of us. These interests are not listed in any particular order: Medieval Fantasy (any level: low, medium, high) Harry Potter Modern/ Slice of Life (Although I don’t do high school. Sorry, don’t even ask). Percy Jackson Dragon Age Thanks for looking. I probably bored you with enough things to read.