Name of Nation: Empire of Greece Territories Mainland States: Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine/Whatever u want 2 call it. Colonies: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, and the Yucatan Description of Government: An absolute monarchy Description of Military: Best described as highly advanced, (Just take into note, they have around the same exact military as the US today, just it is a little smaller), and powerful. They have highly advanced tanks and planes with drones that can hit someone across the earth without sending a man over there. History: During the last Ottoman invasion of Byzantium the Catholics decide to help there Orthodox brothers. They beat the Turks out of Europe and give most of the stolen land back to Byzantium. (Most ofModern Day Turkey/Greece). Byzantium, Having recovered most of there land and being a great power again, goes to war against Armenia and Georgia wanting to conquer them. The wars are quick, and they join the empire. In 1492, a Byzantine explorer by the name of Alexandros Justinia, finds the New World when he lands in Florida. He sends back half of his exploration group to alert the king. Most of the group makes it back and the colonising of the new world begins. Quickly, Byzantium claims Florida, naming it New Constantinople. They set up a large outpost there and begin exploring westward and southward, when they land upon the Yucatan. The Byzantines, who had only had minor encounters with the natives, where surprised to see a working empire in the area. The first Byzantines who made it there where treated as weird outsiders. The Byzantines find this as an insult and we now enter the first main conflict in the Americas. The Mayan-Byzantine war begins when Byzantium invades the Maya. The Maya, not being prepared, are quickly wiped out by the Byzantines with there guns. Byzantium creates its second colony in the Yucatan. Back in Asia, Byzantium attacks the Mamluks, and they easily take Lebanon, Syria, Iraq (The Mamluks expanded), Jordan, and Israel/Palestine. With the recent acquirement of Jerusalem, they attempt to repopulate it with Greeks and Armenians. They send out most of the Arabs in the area and ship them off to cities in Syria. Within 10 years, Jerusalem is a majority Greek city. In the Americas, the Byzantines start to claim more land, taking Georgia and the Carolinas. All the territories they take together are named New Byzantium. For about 100 years, the Byzantine empire is peaceful, they rename themselves Greece, after an Emperor takes control who finally realises that they are Greek, and they colonise all of the colonies they control now. (Please note, I don't want to be the one who comes up with the World War ideas, I will add much more to my history when or if someone creates a World War idea, I simply don't wanna cause people to be forced into a World war) Flag: [img][/img] Population Demographics: 85% Greek, 20% Armenian, 5%Other (Arabian, Georgian, etc) Religious Demographics: 75% Orthodox, 15% Islamic, 10% Catholic. List of Leaders: Emperor: Basil X of Athens (Official Title is Basil X Great Patriarch of Athens and of the Greek Empire) Empress: Theodriana Alexandros High Priest: Alexander Armano Head General: Constinetinos the Destroyer Main Cities: Constantinople: (The Capital and Largest City) Athens: (The Dubai to the Abu Dhabi, Athens is the the tourist capital of the empire) Antioch: (The Orthodox Vatican City) Jerusalem: (The 3rd Largest city in the empire, its the main vacation spot in the empire) Money: Greco Shallik