So, I've been reading [i]Of Wolves and Men[/i]. It's a great non fiction for anyone who's interested in wolves, although I'm not done yet. ANYWAYS, it says that powdered wolf liver was used to treat birth pains, wolf dung to treat colic and cataracts, and other really weird things, during the Middle Ages. I also heard somewhere that in China there are some terrible operations in which bears are held captive so that their bile can be harvested for use as traditional/folk medicine. And I just kind of combined the two in my head. What if we did a roleplay where werewolves are held in massive factory-farm like facilities, where they periodically have part of their livers removed and basically just serve as liver-growing machines so that their captors can rake in cash? The story would revolve around their escape or rescue, and maybe their eventually managing to form some kind of community in secret. Anyone like it? I think I'd make it high free or low casual.