This is the 1 x 1 version of my large role play. I need a female character that will be the one traveling. You'll see, just read...[center][h1]The Secrets That Lay Beyond[/h1][/center] [center][i]Since after World War Five, The Lore have been generous. They give the people cities, homes, food, jobs, and even love. Everyone has a different rank. Some are Genucers, people who produce stories or art or music. Some are Operaorers, people who work in the fields or in buildings. Everyone has a different rank from the time they turn thirteen. When they turn thirteen, they begin to work on their rank. When a person turns seventeen, they are given a half of a Charm and are sent off to find the person with the other half of that charm on a thing called The Journey. The Lore take care of all their people and everyone is always happy. Or are they? Is The Lore hiding something deeper beneath the joy? [/i][/center] [hider=Rules] 1) Follow all site rules. 2) No Gmodding or anything. 3) Subtle swearing is allowed. You may swear regularly, but don't go overboard. 4) PG-13 romance. Anything beyond that fade to black, or we go to PM. Your call. 5) Be respectful. 6) My word is law. 7) No auto-hitting. The same goes for not being hit all the time. You are human. A friendly or playful punch or a simple slap is not included in this rule. 8) Please put CS in the Character tab. The tab is there for a reason and I intend to use it. 9)Please tell me when you are going to be gone for a pretty long period of time so I can catch you up! I hate when people just randomly leave. 10) Fun fun fun fun fun! Have it! [/hider] [hider=Ranks] Genucers: They produce stories, art, or music. They also act. Operaorers: They work in the fields or in office buildings. They also build, clean, or are gardeners. Commslator: They work as teachers, doctors, scientists, dentists, veterinarians, historians and political people (although I’m not going to allow anyone to be a political person) Enchian: They work with technology, machinery. Chetriment: They are chefs, waiters, and mixologists. Miliery: They are firefighters, police, guards, and military memebers. Coley: They are models, fashionistas, make-up artists, and makers of Charms. [/hider] [hider=Cities] These are called Ciowns in this world. [url=]Advian[/url] [url=]Sorial[/url] [url=]Towael[/url] [url=]Tokrial[/url] [url=]Skhadi[/url] [url=]Slask[/url] Of course, there are many many other towns and cities, these are just a few. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: Name: Age:17 Gender:Female Ciown: Rank: Job: SM: Leo Evans Personality: Bio (doesn’t have to be long): [/hider] [hider=Leo Evans] [center][img][/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Leo Evans [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Ciown[/b][/u] Skhadi [u][b]Rank[/b][/u] Genucer [u][b]Job[/b][/u] Photographer and landscape drawer [u][b]SM[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Leo is a very 'bouncy' person and is an extreme daredevil, putting his life on the line just for pictures. He once climbed an unfinished building just to get a picture of the city, which is his most famous picture. The idea of going on a journey thrills him. He is also a very kind, loving, and flirt person. [u][b]Bio[/b][/u] Leo was never adopted. His parents died in a fire and he was put into an orphanage. He was never adopted and was let out into the world on his on at the age of thirteen. [/center] [/hider] So what do you think? Want to role play? If interested, say below. I will do up to 3 role plays with three different people. ;D EDIT: WILL NOT DO 18+ ROLE PLAYS! SORRY!