Here are a few roleplays I am interested in doing. These will require roleplayers who are serious about creating a worthwhile story with interesting characters. I can play male or female. As these are my ideas I'm fine with playing multiple characters to move the stories along. None of these are romance-centric, but if our characters end up falling for one another in a natural way that makes sense in the story then that's cool with me. 1. Terminator -- Based of the first two movies (T1 and T2) with the rest being ret-conned this will be a story set in the Terminator Universe. I will be playing a Terminator from the future sent back in time to protect you. We can brainstorm why you are special and require protecting, I have a strong idea of where I would like this RP to go which we can discuss. 2. Predator - Based of the Predator, Predator 2 and Predators this RP will have you as a human hunted by the deadly warrior from out of space. You are with a team of the best military personal on the planet, all of which will be picked off one by one as you try to survive. I'll also be playing a fellow solider/agent along side you. 3. The Wire - Similar to the show The Wire this will have us taking the roles of police officers trying to put criminals behind bars. If you've seen the show you'll know there's a lot more to it than that. We can also play the roles of the criminals in a back-and-forth game. 4. Harry Potter - This is one I've been dying to do. I attempted running this with multiple players but it proved to be a big ask. I've found I prefer 1x1's for simplicity's sake. We can be students, teachers, aurors (had an idea where it would be like a HP themed Cop Show) or otherwise. (Non-canon). 5. Star Wars - Set after the battle on Ender (episode six) this will be set about half a century later. Luke's rebuilt the Jedi Order but of course the Sith threat has returned, and its even more deadly than before. I will definitely be playing a young Jedi, what you are is up to you.