[b]Danny - The Road - Alex/Rob/Zoe/Andrew[/b] He could practically feel Shannon glaring daggers at the back of his head. There was no way she'd be for this-- probably a few of the others wouldn't be either. Still, with two locals and an extra vehicle, they all had to see that this was a good deal. [i]Too[/i] good, even, making Danny wonder what they were playing at. Dumb idea to try and trick a group with just two people, but perhaps they had another goal in mind. "And what do you get in return?" Danny asked. "Inviting what could be a pack of thugs along-- albeit a pack of thugs with a kid amidst them-- with nothing in return doesn't strike me as a fun time." He relaxed a little, looking down the road. "We'd love your help, of course, I'm just curious as to why we're even having this conversation." --- [b]Jon - Fitness Center - Matt/Scarlett/Jon[/b] He waited while Matt looked through the bag. "There's no need to take any of it out, just look through." He gave the girl that spoke up a look, trying to identify her. They'd never brought her along before, and the usual pair looked pretty spooked that she'd even spoken up. If he didn't know any better, he'd think she was signalling for some kind of ambush. He tensed up, his hands gripping the rifle fiercely. Though, after a few moments passed with nothing out of the ordinary, Jon allowed himself to relax. Matt appeared satisfied that everything was there, which seemed to prompt him into speaking to the group-- or, more specifically, to the unassuming man at the back of the group. Jon almost hadn't noticed him. When Matt mentioned a little girl, the man's head flipped around, anger apparent on his face. Jon thought he was going to come at them, but it seemed that man had some restraint. Thomas, Matt called him. "He helped you?" Jon asked. He continued to look at the man named Thomas, who seemed to try and become unassuming once again. The others-- [i]Tina[/i] and [i]Jace[/i] Jon believed they were named-- were now giving the man a questioning look. Ah, it seemed this was new info to them as well. "He on our side...?" Jackson asked, and Jon felt like rolling his eyes. Jon shook his head and found himself licking his lips. This encounter was making him feel a bit on edge. "Why don't you tell us how he helped you, Matt? I think everyone here would like to kn0w--" "It's in the past," said Thomas, quickly. "Just leave it, Matt."