[quote=Kyrisse] [b]Name:[/b] Cassandra Sinclair ("Cassie") [/quote] I have five hours until I need to be waking up, but I did a bit of skimming, but I feel the need to point out that Mythic essence can't be "rejected" by the body. While I'm not Kapuchu, I do know that it's working with... dormant? magic already in the system, and not like sticking a new organ in somebody. Also, her powers, I'd suggest giving them a bit of a buff; Fae are magical artillery batteries, but physically weaker compared to say, Demons. But y'know, magical artillery batteries. Who doesn't want to have magical artillery power? And if you're wondering why I'm commenting, Kapuchu himself is currently in India for something, so I'm functioning as a demi-GM of sorts for now.