[b]Name:[/b] Peter Dobson [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]House: [/b] Hufflepuff [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/tKsIsi4.jpg?1[/img] Faceclaim = Khalil Madovi[/hider] [b]Wand:[/b] 12 1/2 inch, Dogwood, Phoenix feather [b]Pet:[/b] While not strictly having a pet of his own, Peter makes use of the family owl Hutch regularly in order to post letters to his family at home and receive his month comic subscription. He also has a bulldog named Lincoln although obviously he remains at the family home. [b]Strengths: [/b] Peter is fairly talented at transfiguration, with him progressing through the art swiftly. The term animagus perked his interest after reading it in one of his brother's old schoolbooks. Peter also has a knack for Charms, with him keen to learn more on food-related charms due to his mother. His father also taught him how to cook and bake. Peter can also give a good fifteen minute talk on the history of the Marvel universe if that counts for anything! [b]Weaknesses: [/b] Subject wise, Peter isn't a fan of Herbology, or flying for that matter. While he's a huge fan of Quidditch, he just isn't very good at it! He is also very nervous when it comes to meeting new people, so struggles making friends. [b]Personality:[/b] As stated above, Peter Dobson struggles to make friends, coming across as a nervous and awkward eleven year old boy, with him preferring to keep his nose buried within the pages of his comics rather than interacting with those around him. However he is very enthusiastic about topics that perk his interest, as well as extremely hardworking when it comes to lessons. He is basically the stereotypical Hufflepuff underneath it all; loyal, hardworking and just. [b]History:[/b] Due to his brother's excellence at school and his parent's work, Peter was unintentionally neglected as a child. His family owned and lived in The Hopping Pot pub in Carkitt Market next to Diagon Alley, so when he found that he spent a lot of time wondering the streets and a regular of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. He enjoyed cooking in the pub's huge kitchens after being taught how by his mother and by the age of 8 Peter would regularly serve dinner to his family. When his mother decided that she wanted him and his brother Dylan to learn more about her muggle routes, the two spent the majority of their summer staying with their Uncle David in Bristol, where their days were filled with movie marathons and other typical muggle activities. Well typical for Uncle David, who spent most of his free time led across his coach. It was during his stay in Bristol that Peter got into comics after finding David's collection and despite the lack of moving images, he loved them. While back in London and Carkitt Market, comics were Peter's only tie to the muggle world. It was no surprise that Peter received his Hogwarts letter in the post just after he turned 11, as during this time, he had been experiencing bursts of magic, such as accidentally setting one of the umbrella's at the Ice Cream Parlour on fire! Peter soon set off to Hogwarts, along with his cooking recipes and comics. [b]NPCs:[/b] While these characters won't actually appear in person, they shall be mentioned by Peter via his thoughts, speech or even his letters to or from them. Harold Dobson - Father - Hufflepuff - Owner and Barman of The Hopping Pot pub Iris Dobson - Mother - Hufflepuff - Co-owner and Barmaid of The Hopping Pot pub Dylan Dobson - Brother - Ravenclaw - Works for the Goblin Liaison Office at the Ministry of Magic David Broach - Uncle - Muggle - Unemployed