Adelisa watched the fight and noticed the one get hurt. She saw the fourth running toward her hiding spot and instantly went into action: she swiped her leg under his, making him fall on his face, and then stabbed him in the back with as much force she could muster. She knew her hiding spot had been revealed, but she also knew that she was much older than these rogues so the likely hood of her death would be a little less likely than the newly turned. She looked up at the group that arrived and knew they were not new. Her eyes swept across the lot and her eyes landed on the bleeding vampire, her head obviously injured. Of course, she didn't like the look of it. As a healer, she hated injuries of any kind. She still made no move to speak seeing as there were men that travelled with the woman, but she put her finger to her lips in a shush manner before pointing at a shadowy figure watching the men, one in particular. Adelisa couldn't pin point who this man was, but she knew he had to have lead this crusade. She just hoped the short haired gunner would heed her warning.