Her bloodshot eyes stared blankly at the windscreen in front whilst she held the phone firmly to her ear. As soon as Astrid began to speak Nicole found herself zoning out. Even though she was stuck in her own little trance, Nicole did managed to catch the main gist of her roommate’s ramble. [i]Get home.[/i] It was probably for the best that she was out of it and didn't hear the full conversation. Usually if someone spoke to her like that, all hell would break loose. No matter what relationship it was friends, roommates, co-workers, lovers, she was always top dog. Numero uno. She never gets bossed around because she is the boss, plain and simple. “I got to go…this was fun…um, we should do this again sometime…thanks…give us a buzz when the ID is ready.” Nicole muttered as she grabbed her belongings and exited the vehicle. As she opened the door a huge gush of the smoke escaped with her. Nicole chuckled whilst adjusting her attire slightly before strutting off in the direction of her dorm room. Nicole was too busy humming a soft tune to herself to notice a fellow sophomore approaching. “HEY YOU! What the fuck is your problem?” Before she knew it he had her trapped against the wall. [i]Start again.[/i] She couldn’t help but think whilst she smirked. His introducing wasn’t very pleasing but instead of taking a swing at him she remained stationary and silence which was unusual. “How dare you post shit about me…” Nicole was typically pretty good with matching names and faces but it was taking her a little longer than normal to figure out this lads name. And the fact that he was continuing to yell and curse at her was only making it harder for her to concentrate. “…I LOVE HER…” “If you loved her then why did you fuck her best friend…” Nicole couldn’t help but breakout in laughter. Sure she would’ve laughed in his face if she was sober but being blazed seemed to make her gigglier than she wanted to be. “You think this shit is funny?! You ruined my life.” In his frustration he gave her a light shove causing her to stumble back and smack against the wall behind her. Although the situation had clearly turned serious she continued to chuckle and smirk with amusement which only seemed to aggravate him further. “Yeah I ruined your life…after all I’m the one who ploughed my one true loves Abigail’s best friend Stephany in the gym toilets….haha your funny…but seriously mate last time I checked I don’t have a penis so not sure how I could’ve fucked Stephany and got her pregnant….” Abruptly Jeremy grabbed her tightly by the shoulders and pushed her against the wall this time with much greater force. His hands remained on her shoulders as he appeared to be pinning her into position. “You better shut your mouth if you know what’s good for you.” Their confrontation didn’t go unnoticed as a number of students seemed to stop in tracks to take a look at what was going on. The amusement immediately dropped from Nicole’s face as her gaze made contact with his. “You better watch where you put those hands of yours…if you know what’s good for you,” she mocked bitterly as she noticed one of his hands pulling back away from her and forming into a fist. As quickly as the laughter vanished it returned. [i]Bring it.[/i] She smirked whilst watching his fist propel towards her but before it made contact with her cheek the ceiling light above them suddenly let off a bright flash of blinding light that seemed to cause everyone except Nicole to temporary lose their ability to see. She could hear Jeremy curse as he collapsed to his knees clutching is eyes in agony. [i]Shit…what the hell was that?..[/i] She glanced around in confusion. Everything seemed to look pretty normal. [i]Must be my lucky day.[/i] Nicole looked down at Jeremy, “I guess we are done here.” She snickered whilst flicking her hair over the shoulder before stepping around Jeremy to proceed on her way like nothing happened. About ten minutes later Nicole finally arrived at the building where her dorm room was. As she progressed towards her room the smile on her face dropped slightly as she noticed the door was left wide open. [i]What the hell?![/i] “ASTRID?” She yelled as she stepped inside the dorm.