Character sheet! [b]Name:[/b] Narzul Reloth. [b]Age:[/b] 87 (relatively young). [b]Race:[/b] Dunmer. [b]Class:[/b] Ashlander sorcerer. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and gangly are some of the few appropriate words that come to mind when describing Narzul’s figure. There is hardly an ounce of fat on his body, nor much muscle, so he looks more like a gray-skinned skeleton than anything else. This wiry frame is usually hidden beneath dark, hooded robes, intricately woven and embroidered with symbols in the Daedric alphabet. Where the details are concerned, Narzul has all the traits typical of a Dunmer: a thin, angular face, ridged brow, slanted, crimson eyes and jet black hair. He usually wears his hair in a ponytail. A more defining characteristic is the facial tattoo that Narzul sports; white paste, created with ash and crushed moth wings, has bleached the skin of his face as pale as bone. [b]Personality:[/b] Like most Ashlanders, Narzul doesn’t exactly sport a jolly disposition. Generally solemn and reserved, he is an elf of few words, and when he does speak, he often does so in veiled speech and allegory. His strong sense of duty to his people, his land and his faith, drives him to join the Dovahfeyn. Dragons, wielding powers granted by gods Narzul doesn’t recognize, are seen as blasphemous creatures by his kin, and their eradication is a top priority, lest the Dunmer suffer another Red Year. [b]Bio:[/b] Born in the harsh wastelands of Vvardenfell, Narzul is one of the enigmatic Ashlanders, tribal people who were persecuted by the Tribunal Temple for hundreds of years before they were eventually vindicated by the fall of the Tribunal, the rise of the Dissident Priests to power in the priesthood and the devastating Red Year. These days, Dunmer from all over Tamriel travel to Vvardenfell to make arduous pilgrimages to visit the Wise Women of the Ashlander tribes, those who are now seen by the Dunmer to have had ‘true vision’ all along. Ashlanders usually don’t take any heed of the world at large. They are a deeply spiritual people that keep themselves to themselves. When dragons traveled across the sea to Vvardenfell, however, and attempted to extend their reign of destruction, the Ashlanders were among the first to act. Dunmer are the people of fire, the Ashlanders especially, and they fought back against the inferno of the dragons with vigor. Since the Red Year, there is no flame left in Tamriel that can frighten an Ashlander. Narzul, who was born more than a hundred years later, never saw these flames himself, but heard plenty of stories about them from the Wise Women of his tribe, the Urshilaku. Now, fire comes for them again. Narzul has traveled to Skyrim to join up with the Dovahfeyn, ready and willing to dedicate his life to stopping the dragon menace. [b]Equipment:[/b] Narzul wears traditional chitin armor under his black robes for protection. He has no physical weapon on his person, fighting instead with Conjuration magic. He knows how to summon Daedric beings from the depths of Oblivion and how to conjure an ethereal blade in his hands. Like most Dunmer, he also knows a variety of flame spells of the school of Destruction, but he isn’t a master by any means. [b]Other:[/b] Nothing much, really.