As Harry peeked his head inside the orb, he saw a metal paneled floor that was slightly angled from the way it had crashed, a solid sheet metal wall that seemed to perfectly bisect the orb, and a ladder that again bisected the wall, stretching down through a hole in the floor and up through a hole in the ceiling. He could see that there was something on the other side of the wall through the ladder, but there was no way to get around the ladder from here. The hole in the floor seemed to suggest that one would need to climb down all the way and climb back up the other side of the ladder to get to the other side of the wall. An odd design. Looking left and right, he saw the inner walls of the orb were lined with rectangular metal counters jutting out from the wall, apparently just welded in place at their corners, as the curve of the orb left gaping holes behind behind the perfectly straight backs of the rectangles. The mess of broken pots and dirt and plants and scraps of paper and glass cluttering up the corners and foot of the wall around the ladder seemed to suggest that some objects had shifted from the countertops during the crash. To the right of the ladder, lying on the floor with a broken frame, was a framed poster of a 1800's-style portrait of a bearded man in what looked like (but wasn't) a Confederate general's uniform from the American Civil War. The hook on which the painting had been hanging seemed to be holding something else that glinted in the faint light streaming through the hole, but Harry couldn't see what it was from where he stood (hung? The opening was about 6 or 7 feet off the ground) in the opening. "Well, this is certainly intriguing!" Stewart mused, squeezing his monocle closer to his eye and squinting from a safe distance. "Harry! Be careful up thayer!" Ronnie drawled in the incredibly friendly way that he always spoke. "Do yuh see annehthin' innerestin'?" he asked as he scurried up the side of the orb to look inside with Harry. Hans simply stood there by Isaac, admiring his biceps as he flexed.