[img]http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/1491/helenadikoudis.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gemma Night [b]Nickname:[/b] Nova [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Element:[/b] Nether [b]Personality:[/b] Gemma is a complicated soul, torn apart by battles and lost time. A once incredibly sweet girl now walks haunted by the deaths of everyone she held dear. Unlike normal Aether users, Gemma draws her power from the fear and death of spirits around her, channeling their pain through her in order to convert it to useable magic. Thus, slowly but surely Gemma grew quieter and more reserved around others, helping from afar unless there was no other way. She has a short fuse, exploding over the smallest of things under the wrong conditions, however she is far from rash. Unwilling to put others in danger because of her decisions, she thinks her moves through carefully before taking action. [b]Other:[/b] Her preferred weapon is a [url=http://images.wikia.com/bleachfanfiction/images/f/f9/DeathScythe.png]scythe[/url] however she is well practiced in hand-to-hand combat, depending more on speed and agility over strength. She wears a [url=http://www.skullis.com/ProductImage/4801997/Malachite-Crystal-Skull-12.jpg]Malachite[/url] pendant around her neck. And while technically older, Gemma appears 17 like the other five children. ~~ ((I'll also be playing this idiot called Max Harper:)) [img]https://darkjade68.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/young-anime-boy1.jpg?w=450[/img] He's not the sharpest when it comes to using his head, however the guy is quite skilled at using a crossbow. Despite only being 3 years older than them, Max has been put in charge of keeping an eye on the kids until they've acquired a mastery of their magical abilities.