Kris expected to discover new things and enjoy new experiences as a Knight of Altea. It was one of the reasons he had been so excited when he left his little village. All he did was train, which was an honor, but he was left with an itch that couldn't be scratched by three hundred practice swings a day, or reading ancient history out of a moldy tome. This was just plain nightmarish. This girl was hiding some kind of monster strength. Was she even human? Admittedly, he didn't have much experience with women. The girls in the village were all so demure, waving to him and giggling whenever he passed. Then, there were the older women, who would occasionally give him treats that were to be kept a secret from his grandfather. They were all kind and gentle. Where did this girl fit in? She was no serene pegasus knight or delicate healer. Hers was the grip of the swordsman. She declared she also wished to serve Prince Marth, and protect the kingdom. Worthy values--his own, in fact. Then her name, which was...also his own. He felt a couple beads of sweat form on his brow. The training hadn't even begun, and he was already being exhausted. What would his grandfather say? [i]"There will be many challenges as a Knight of Altea. Endure. Being at Prince Marth's side is the most important thing."[/i] That sounded right. So, he must stand firm. He steeled his mind and his expression. [b]"I agree!"[/b] he answered her loudly, his vigor returned to him. [b]"Which is why I will become a noble Knight of Altea and protect Prince Marth--myself!"[/b] The hand that the other Kris held clenched into a fist. [b]"My name is also Kris, from now on, we will be competing to serve our country! And when it comes to Prince Marth, I will not lose!"[/b] Then he turned and strode towards the proving ground, leaving the other Kris stunned with his display of resolve and passion. That is, he would, if she weren't still holding his hand captive. [b]"Ermm..."[/b] he looked from her clasped hands back to her face. He wasn't quite sure how to approach this after his little speech. [b]"Excuse me, could you let go now? I'm sure we're supposed to be gathering in the proving grounds..."[/b]