Melissa widened her eyes at the new coloration to Alice’s awakened magic. No longer were they the soft hues from before, instead classified with dark shades of red and pitch black. Hearing the Princess herself defend a low-life like her did make a spark of admiration and affection light Melissa’s chest, though she pushed those feelings away in place of curiosity. Alice’s magical prowess was… [i]“Well, I guess I’ll need to watch my usage for a little while. It’s a little...intense…”[/i] For a time, the Knight said nothing, only sitting down beside her friend and staring out at the horizon. The sun was quickly approaching the rising horizon, and the first day of war and invasion would begin. Little time was left. “Alice,” Melissa said carefully. “Alice that magic just now was something far more aggressive than what I witnessed earlier.” A moment of tense silence passed briefly between the two girls. “That was my magic Alice. Dark Magic.” She let those words sink in before continuing her explanation. “Most people can only ever master one element in their entire lifetimes. To master more than that means you have a high magical potential than most wizards or warlocks. What you practiced earlier was Light Magic, so to wield its complete opposite is…well, really, really, rare.” The one-eyed girl hugged Miranda close to her chest before tilting her head back in though. “It must be your royal blood-line then. That’s the only explanation I can see fitting here.”