[b]Katie - Apartment / Baton Rouge - Liam, Elyse, Adam[/b] They kept her distracted so that she didn't notice her daddy had left until he was gone. Katie tried not to make a fuss about it. She needed to stop being such a baby. Just because he left did not mean he was not coming back. At least that was what Elyse said. Katie wasn't sure, but kept her anxiety to herself. She tried playing with Liam and her kitten for a bit but her heart wasn't really in it. She kept watching the door expectantly. Elyse noticed too because finally she spoke up and got the kids' attention. "Liam, Katie, I could use some help making dinner for tonight. Liam, please peel these potatoes for me. Katie, could you go to the storeroom and look in a big brown box and bring me back three onions." Katie made a face. She didn't like onions. But her daddy had told her that she needed to eat whatever was made and not complain. When you went through times without food, you learned to eat things you didn't like just so your tummy wouldn't be empty. So without comment Katie went down to the storeroom. It wasn't just having to eat onions or her daddy being gone that was making the child so serious and not as talkative that day. It was what he had said about her learning to shoot a gun. She hated guns. Guns killed people. A gun had killed Lauren. The memory of her face exploding still gave Katie nightmares. She didn't want to make someone's face explode. She reached the storeroom, but as she opened the door she realized someone was in there. Someone who was at the one of the shelves... stuffing things in their pockets... "Adam...?" Katie asked, unsure of what she was seeing. He couldn't be doing what it looked like he was doing. He wasn't like the smelly mean men her daddy used to have around. This was Adam. He was their friend. ----- [b]Jessalyn - House/Baton Rouge - Others[/b] Ben's fussing woke her up. It was his 'mommy I want to eat' fussing that was the prelude to his 'feed me now' howl. "Okay baby boy, I'm coming," she said, getting up from the mattress on the floor and stretching. She went to the crib and scooped the fussing baby up and cradled him close, going to the rocking chair to get comfortable while she fed him. Jess had basically claimed in nursery as her and Ben's room. No matter how long they stayed here, and she hoped it was a while, they would have their own space for her to feed and change Ben. He certainly seemed to favor the disposable diapers and his little bottom was looking better since she had discovered the can of baby powder, and thanked God in heaven for it. And least she wouldn't have to worry about baby food for a bit. She was his portable milk machine. As long as she was fed, he would be fed. Jess rocked slowly and gently, covering the feeding with a baby blanket in case anyone walked in. She didn't think the girls would mind but Abram might get uncomfortable. She wondered where everyone was.