[b]Adam - Apartment / Baton Rouge - Katie[/b] Rushing. He'd heard Caleb lingering outside the door just a moment ago, but thankfully his destination had just been the washroom. He felt stressed-- way more stressed than usual with more people around. He hastily reached up to one of the shelves and managed to bang his hand against it, causing the pill bottles sitting on top to drop to the floor. They spilled all over, just as young Katie happened to walk in. Adam stared at her for a moment, unsure what to say. Then-- "Hey, Katie. I'm just trying to clean up this mess I made. I'm really clumsy." He started to gather the pills, only now remembering he left the trap door open. He turned around to find it open to Katie's prying eyes, a white bag apparent in behind the wall. He reached out quickly, moving to close it. "D-Don't mind this."