After the strange event had completely run its course and the woman had leave the room completely Lucaris turned his eyes back to his surroundings. As a strange figure began cleaning up the mess that had been left behind by the woman he noticed that some of the tables in the area had food on them instead of drinks. Glancing back over at what he guessed was a creature in an odd assortment of clothing Lucaris made his way over to a table that was eloquently dressed with food. Bending over Lucaris took a close look at one of the strange looking bits of food. It was, just like most things he's encountered, something he's never seen in the forest before. Picking one of the morsels up Lucaris gave it a cautionary sniff. [i]This smells similar to the fish I can catch in the river. I guess if the others are eating this that it can't be so bad. How does one eat something so small? What's this shell thing on the end of it? Can I eat that too? Hmm, I guess I ought not to. That looks like it'd be a pain to swallow.[/i] Ripping off the end of the end of the shrimp Lucaris tossed it into his mouth past rows of razor sharp teeth. A normal person would chew and savor their food however Lucaris' teeth weren't meant for completely chewing food into swallowable pulp. Instead, just like an animal, he swallowed his food whole. [i][b]Wouldn't you prefer something with a bit more iron? How 'bout you rip out the throats of everyone here, eh? That would really get things going. You wouldn't be going hungry either. Come on, what d'ya say?[/b] For the last time you stinking little bug. I will not just take another beings life so freely. Now get out of my head! I've had enough of you! Haven't you tormented me enough as is?[/i] Before any response could arrive a voice called to him from behind. The man that had been cleaning up the mess had come over to where he was and began to speak to him. This man was like something he had never seen before, but at least he spoke a language he understood. Lucaris was asked a question he was never quite asked before. Instead of being incessantly asked about [i]what[/i] he was this man was more interested in [i]who[/i]. Lucaris would have felt more at ease at this point however he couldn't quite tell his intentions. The man's words sounded kind enough, but his actions said otherwise. Normally baring your teeth in such a manner means you intend to attack. [i]Maybe this is some custom I'm not accustomed to. Should I do the same back? What if he really does wish to attack me? That would only provoke him further. I've had enough with people wishing me harm. Although this may be a smile I can't quite tell. Well, here goes nothing.[/i] "Erm, my name is Lucaris. Lucaris Cain. I'm just a traveler. I, uh, came here when I heard rumors of this, erm, academy? That's what you said it was called, right? Yes, academy." Lucaris attempted to smile back at the man while painfully aware that showing off his beast like teeth could mean something completely different.