[h1]Grand Bestiary[/h1] [hider=Klein Class] [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COKIxr6UEAAgLZN.png:large]Creep[/url] Among the weakest of all Grimm are the reptilian, bipedal Creeps. Lacking everything but speed and only remotely threatening to a novice hunter in hordes, Creeps often accompany larger Grimm as cannon fodder. [url=http://orig11.deviantart.net/17ef/f/2014/206/a/2/rwby_beowolf_by_razenix_angel-d7saomi.png]Beowolf[/url] Wolflike monsters roughly the size of an adult male. While mindlessly aggressive and a known threat to civilians, Beowolves have phenomenally low constitutions, and pose almost no threat to a hunter, even in a pack. Older Beowolves, classified as 'Alpha' are stronger and more durable, but not a significantly greater threat. [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/a/a1/UrsaMinorProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20140503180338]Ursa[/url] – Bearlike monsters that tower over all but the tallest men. They are slow, lumbering beasts, but can inflict serious damage in close range with brute strength. Though intimidating, their lack of agility leaves their weak point –the upper spinal cord- open for exploitation. Rarer among the Ursai are the [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/8/88/UrsaMajorProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20140503180337]Ursai Major[/url], whose greater size, bony armor, and vicious spikes make them very difficult to penetrate, and are classified as Feind. [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/9/9c/BoarbatuskProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20140503180313]Boarbatusk[/url] Armed with tusks and a unique roll attack, the hyper-aggressive, incredibly unintelligent Boarbatusks pose more threat than most Kleins. Their armor, combined with their relatively small size, can make them tough to dispatch. [url=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/206/1/1/grimm_baphomet_by_lieutenantmatt-d7sap70.jpg]Griever[/url] Physically, the Grievers are unimposing. Roughly the size of apes and often hunched over, they are awkward and weak in combat. Despite this, they are one of the greatest dangers present in the Four Kingdoms, simply because they're literally in them. The Grievers are stealthy, sneaking around and over defenses and hiding by day in the human cities. Acting like ambush predators, they stalk and prey on children, and as proficient climbers are capable even of scaling buildings and entering through windows. They are universally hated for their cruelty and cunning. [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/266/a/3/rwby_grimm__rwby_raptor_by_mirzers-d6njhuz.png]Itzamna[/url] Ferocious raptors. Clever, quick, and while not very strong, they sport a vicious hookclaw on each foot. Most deadly are their jaws, able to apply enough force to crush metal. Highly communicative with one another, their packs are among the most brutal to face, and can pose a serious threat for newbie hunters. [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/207/d/0/rwby_grimm_oc___life_stealer_by_steel__the__gamer-d7sbw5p.jpg]Broodling[/url] Spider Grimm, each a little bigger than a truck tire, and deceptively hard to destroy. They are more or less passive creatures, remaining in their vast tangles of web, waiting for prey to stray close. If anything touches their web, the vibrations will alert the swarm, and large numbers of web-spitting Broodlings can arrive and overwhelm much bigger foes. When under the influence of an Ariadne, they become much harder to deal with. [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/039/3/e/rwby_x_oc_zorrillo_grimm_by_zerosenpie-d8h8hms.png]Ratatosk[/url] - These vermin-like Grimm are without exception very small, with even elder ones at most reaching the size of a big housecat and even then not having much in the way of armor. However, for Grimm they are also rather cunning, as well as fast and quiet, preferring to sneak into human camps and settlements and chew up wires and commit other forms of sabotage, or make a nuisance of themselves, evade attacks, and bait enemies into dangerous terrain or other traps. Given that there are scattered infestations even in the otherwise completely Grimm-free four cities, keeping them out of vital infrastructure is a constant headache for civil engineers, and clearing up sewers is a favorite penal duty for hunter academies everywhere. Thankfully however, their small size and relative squishiness as well as their general cowardice prevent them from usually being a serious threat to human lives and even weak use of Aura or basic armor suffice to protect from their small teeth and claws, but if pressed they will seek to either drop down on their enemies from ambush or swarm them in skittering hordes and bury them in bodies, to get at vulnerable weak spots. [url=http://pre13.deviantart.net/3e3c/th/pre/i/2015/155/6/5/rwby_grimm_oc___scavenger___scavenger_king_by_myrynorunshot-d8vz6pa.png]Scavenger[/url] – the bigger brothers of Ratatosk, Scavengers are bipedal, ratlike creatures that outdo all other Kleins in terms of intelligence, and most commonly will not attack unless the odds are in their favor. They prefer urban areas, and are uncannily good at infiltrating buildings. Their intelligence is such that they even use primitive tools and weapons. Their smarts are counterbalanced, however, by poor strength and speed, making them little more than nuisances in small groups or less. They stand at an average of three feet tall. Notable for establishing 'colonies'. The larger version, known as the 'Vermin God', is a Feind class. [/hider] [hider=Feind Class] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/c/c2/KingTaijituProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20140503180315]King Taijitu[/url] Two-headed serpents, of black and white, each with a crushing, venomous bite. The two work in tandem and strike at lightening speed, making them tricky opponents, but their run-of-the-mill defenses keep them from being egregious. A favorite move is for one half to constrict an opponent and squeeze the life out of them while the other attacks at its face. [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/6/64/NevermoreProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20140503180315]Nevermore[/url] – Sizable ravens that can reach anywhere between a foot to three hundred feet in wingspan, with the oldest ones gaining the nickname of 'Umbra' for their tendency of blocking out the sun. Attacking from on high, they swoop down to slash with their claws or ram with their masks, or remain airborne and launch volleys of feather javelins to skewer those below them. While abnormally resilient to ranged attacks, Nevermores are susceptible to bladed weapons, since they lack virtually all armor. Naturally, the smallest Nevermores are considered below Kleins in terms of danger, while the largest can give many Riesens a run for their money. [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/266/0/e/rwby_grimm__shark_by_mirzers-d6nm4uy.png]Megaladeus[/url] – blood-seeking beasts that swim the oceans and even lakes of Remnant, lashing out with little regard to their own well being at any living thing clueless enough to immerse itself in the habitat of these Grimm sharks. Their cartilage bodies, loosely armored with bone plate, are hardly infallible, but these horrific fish seem to sustain themselves with their hatred and their hunger long after they should have died from their injuries. [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/159/7/2/shadow_beast_by_deadlyobsession-d7lkl6z.jpg]Wendigo[/url] – mysterious solitary hunters. While not very rare, these beasts are adept at keeping hidden, despite being larger than horses. They stalk their prey, taking unorthodox routes a less agile Grimm could never dream of, all the while observing with keen eyes and a sharp but evil mind. Wendigo have a sort of healing factor, and those that hunters do encounter usually have scars and experiences from their previous encounters. Have scented blood, they are capable of stalking a target for days on end. When a target is too protected for a safe kill, they will attempt to keep the target from sleeping by shrieking and howling in the night. The Wendigo are an adapting enemy, and for that -not just their claws and scythelike tails- they may be the most dangerous Feind. [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/261/4/f/rwby_grimm___edgar__by_mirzers-d6mt3id.png]Sitting Bull[/url] – uncharacteristically self-oriented for creatures of Grimm, these bovine beasts spend much of their time out on grasslands, grazing in massive herds. Though usually content to ignore things around them, their tempers are easily triggered. Average strength and speed, as well as toughly-packed muscles that are hard to cut through, make them mediocre foes on their own, but they are almost always found in herds numbering in the hundreds. Their 'Earth Crumbler' stampedes of Sitting Bulls can level entire villages. Sometimes, a herd will be led by a matriarchal Minos Bull, which commands almost as much respect as a Riesen. [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/183/0/6/salamander_by_deadlyobsession-d7owh0f.png]Salamander[/url] - Decently quick and well armored, the main weapons of these man-sized and up lizards are their strong jaws, their tails and claws, as well as their ability to spit a jet of liquid over long distances. They come in multiple varieties, distinguishable by their markings and subtle variations in build and armor scheme, each of which launch a different liquid, like noxious venom or a crushing jet of water. Another variety, which unlike others prefers drier biomes, can't swim, and has heavier armor and claws, can even project a spray of burning sticky oil. [url=http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/200/0/9/grimm_harpy_by_fkim90-d7rfzhh.jpg]Harpy[/url] - Roughly the size of humans, not counting variation due to age. Because they lack hands on their winged arms, flocks of these birdlike vaguely feminine humanoid Grimm will dive down on humans from above and claw at or choke them with their taloned feet, or if they are strong enough carry them away to drop them from height later. Their surprisingly beautiful trilling cries can sometimes alert a traveller to their presence, though there have been reports of people ignorant of their meaning following them, fascinated and trying to find their source. [url=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/240/7/2/creature_of_grimm__by_flamestorm11-d7vt9av.png]Nightmare[/url] - Equine Grimm, herds of which roam grasslands, steppes, and other plains. Their strength lies in their numbers and their rock-hard hooves; individually, they are little more than less-durable, faster Sitting Bulls. Their famous 'Rolling Thunder' stampedes are difficult to stop and perilous to ignore. Nightmares are among the more passive Grimm, and under normal circumstances won't attack unless provoked. Trouble is, even if only one of them is harmed, an entire herd will retaliate. [url=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/075/0/0/grimm_siren_by_lieutenantmatt-d7ahm10.jpg]Siren[/url] - amphibious Grimm that prefer to inhabit wet areas. Their sluggishness and lack of armor makes them easy to destroy in direct combat, but Sirens' true strength lies in subterfuge. Using their seven bellows and a hornlike hollow crest, they can make a huge variety of sounds, including both music and speech. Both, when made by a Siren, have a strangely hypnotic effect, and lure humans or animals in close enough for the Grimm to pierce them with its proboscis and drain them of their fluids. Sometimes, Sirens will appear during mass Grimm assaults, using their unique ability to control other Grimm and cause chaos among the enemy, effectively making them lieutenants among the creatures of Grimm. [url=http://pre05.deviantart.net/f070/th/pre/i/2015/333/5/e/rwby_grimm_oc___blisterwing_by_myrynorunshot-d9ibi3l.png]Redcap[/url] – Grimm fliers bizarre by even the standards of monsters. Whereas most of these creatures bring to mind twisted, dark forms of existing wildlife on Remnant, Redcaps seem as if they flew straight from the fairy tales. While brutal strength lies in their arms and tail, their most vile ability is to drain blood from living things, which they then store in their guts. The more blood a Redcap has consumed, the 'fatter' it looks, and with this comes less mobility but greater size and strength. Their segmented limbs feature an exoskeleton that makes them surprisingly difficult to cut, though crushing works alright. When drunk with blood, Redcaps are also capable of spewing it back out at incredibly high pressure, and the resulting stream has the potential to cut as well. This blood, having rotted in the Redcap's gut, is often infectious. A drunk Redcap's weakness is the membrane in its belly. [url=http://pre13.deviantart.net/3e3c/th/pre/i/2015/155/6/5/rwby_grimm_oc___scavenger___scavenger_king_by_myrynorunshot-d8vz6pa.png]Vermin God[/url] – the strongest Feind for a variety of reasons. While they may not have some of the powers of other Feinds, the strength of Deathstalkers or King Taijitus, or berserk modes like Megaladeus, they have tricks all their own. For one, Vermin Gods exhibit the 'leader' ability found in Baels and to a lesser degree Sirens. They are masters of agility and stealth, their claws and teeth are toxic, and their frightening speed is complemented by not-terrible strength. Almost never found without a colony is its smaller variety, the Scavengers. nearby. [url=http://pre07.deviantart.net/e474/th/pre/i/2015/187/b/5/rwby_grimm_oc___scarapod_by_myrynorunshot-d905jtj.png]Gashadokuro[/url] – bipedal, vaguely scarab-eque Grimm monsters. Standing at nine feet, they are tough nuts to crack, and can climb surfaces with ease. Most worrying is the yellow bile they produce, which has a highly corrosive effect on metal, concrete, and cloth, though organic tissue is not as affected. Despite these advantages, they are slow and brutish, seldom requiring anything more complicated than dodging and striking to take down. [/hider] [hider=Riesen Class] [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/b/b3/DeathStalkerProfilePic.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20140503180314]Death Stalker[/url] – enormous, very dangerous Scorpions. While not poisonous, their stingers can pierce armor, flesh, and bone, and their huge pincers can compact cars. Their unique armor is remarkably tough, even among Riesens, and only similarly durable objects can penetrate it. Though clumsy, they are deadly enemies, and can take out entire towns in minutes if not adequately dealt with. [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/rwby/images/e/ef/GrimmMastodon.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/250?cb=20141002234347]Goliath[/url] – Elephantine Grimm. Among the oldest Grimm species, they are uncannily passive compared to their counterparts, and are reputed to be extremely intelligent. They travel in herds, slowly but steadily (not to mention ominously) patrolling the borders of the Four Kingdoms. Handheld weapons are virtually useless against them, for they have tough hide and heavy bone armor. Should one be sufficiently provoked, it can retaliate with stunning power. [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/233/5/5/rwby_x_oc_perfect_manticore_grimm_by_nightmarezenuki-d7w1gsd.jpg]Manticore[/url] Not for nothing are the Manticores among the deadliest of Grimm. They are huge and hugely powerful, possessing claws the size of most hunters' weapons and maws that into which an entire Beowolf could easily slide. Even more deadly are some of the spines in their manes, which are infused with a paralytic venom. While poorly armored, their tenacity enables them to fight even with crippling wounds. Expect to be treated to deafening roars as it fights. [url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/219/2/8/los_abuelos_by_munnkie-d7u7vj4.png]Datura[/url] - A mass of roots and plants conglomerated together to form a cohesive body. They sleep for years at a time, during this period they ‘infect’ other nearby plants with their roots, and gain biomass. Their size varies from small, to building-sized. The mask is often split up into different pieces, so that the largest parts of the creature carries it. When it awakens, the largest parts come together to form the majority of the torso, with the mask pieces locking into place. They are so slow as to be almost harmless to a moving target, but the peril they pose to settlements is severe. More often than not, their bodies are infested with smaller Grimm. [url=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/211/0/0/rwby__the_night_reaper_by_exvnir-d7swv32.jpg]Ankou[/url] – Ankou are the smallest Riesens, just outsizing an Ursa Major, but they are some of the most brutal. With scales that mitigate impact, extra arms tipped with nasty claws, a skewering helmet, and wings, they require intense concentration to beat. These juggernauts can ever breathe fire, which they often use on the ground or surroundings to control the flow of combat. More often than not, they'll release a screech when cornered, calling Salamanders and Itzamna to its aid. [url=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/159/3/d/aggromantulas_queen_by_theroguespider-d7li9uf.png]Ariadne[/url] - Mothers to the Broodlings, the Ariadne seldom ever leave their homes, deep underground, beyond necessarily moving to relocate their nests. They lay eggs by the hundreds, and secrete a special pheromone that cause them to “hijack” the senses of Broodlings that aren't even their own children to come to their nests. The pheromone is stronger the bigger the Ariadne. They secrete the same acidic substance the Broodlings use in their webbing, though theirs is too thick to form intricate webs, it can be used as a caustic barrier, or a dissolving wrap for prey brought to them. While they prefer to let their Broodlings fight for them, Ariadnes are particularly awful to fight head-on, employing a slew of natural tools from irritating bristles to hallucinogenic pheromones to fast-drying web. [url=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/290/7/c/rwby_fanart___toad_grimm_by_myrynorunshot-d834qzo.jpg]Ogdoad[/url] - unlike many Riesens, Ogdoads have soft skin, and at about two-thirds the size of a fully-grown Deathstalker, they may not seem very threatening at first. However, these monstrous frogs have many tricks up their sleeves that make them deadly foes. Aside from crushing strength and weight, six muscular legs, and the fastest average speed among Riesens, Ogdoads also sport barbed tongues capable of piercing and tearing through metal. They also ingest water to store in their throat sacs and bellies, where it becomes fetid and even poisonous. This water can be released in massive, forceful gushes to push around or debilitate foes. Ogdoads prefer wet environments, and will whenever possible move around large quantities of water to further their domains. [url=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/321/7/d/rwby_tutankhamun_by_gallade95-d6umpol.jpg]Tutankhamun[/url] - big, fast, and temperamental, Tutankamuns aren't the strongest of Riesens, but even for experienced hunters they can be very troublesome. They don't have any true strong suits aside from size and jaws that can crumple cars; compared to other Riesens, they last a shorter time in combat due to lack of armor and bulk. Still, they are capable of devastating almost anything they get their jaws on, making them the glass cannons among Riesens. [url=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/253/9/4/rwby_fan_grimm___ghoul_by_jakd_nexus-d7yr7do.png]Bael[/url] - while all Grimm can be terrifying, few are more nightmarish than Baels. Very intelligent, very cunning, and very nocturnal, they choose their targets carefully and devour them under cover of night. Baels are smart enough to know when to retreat and when to engage, and with their roars and howls, they are reportedly able to give directions to other creatures of Grimm, effectively making them bosses. Poorly armored, they have extremely brittle ankles and calves, and can be dispatched without too much trouble if focused. Unfortunately, most Baels will surround themselves with other creatures, and with a keen sense of smell they can be difficult to approach. Not much is known about their motives or other abilities, but they are said to be able to breath smoke. [/hider] [hider=Level 4 Access Code Required] [hider=Code ACCEPTED – loading GRAUSAM CLASS] [url=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2015/005/8/2/kraken_grimm_by_theroguespider-d8cplnq.png]Kraken[/url] – Inhabiting the oceans, these many-arms monsters prey on ships. Wielding both shocking strength and a bottomless appetite, they are capable of sinking vessels with ease. The older ones, protected by bony claws and ivory scales, often rip ships apart and kill entire crews, and are even reported to snag low-flying airships. Their very presence has made the seas taboo to mankind throughout history. While difficult to find and kill effectively, their soft flesh makes the younger Krakens vulnerable, but even still these colossi remain one of the greatest threats facing the kingdoms. [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/330/a/b/grimm_behemoth_by_munnkie-d6voq4n.png]Gaia Datura[/url] – The biggest Grimm of all, and the most uncommon, to the point of being mythical. Supposedly, f several Daturai are allowed to mingle and coalesce, they can merge into a single body and rise into the sky as a Gaia. An average hunter is said to be able to climb through its eye. Its body is like a dungeon, full of horrid dangers -not to mention other Grimm- at the center of which lies the Grimoire Heart. The legends say that they create Grimm, that they're the wrath of Remnant itself against mankind, but if that's true, no Gaia Daturai remain in the world to prove it. [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/233/5/5/rwby_x_oc_perfect_manticore_grimm_by_nightmarezenuki-d7w1gsd.jpg]Perfect Manticore[/url] Extremely rare are the legendary Perfect Manticores, which are easily twice the size of the Manticores their existence forces to be 'ordinary', more heavily armored, and -to the astonishment of the world of science- winged. These wings don't enable flight due to the beast's sheer weight, but they can boost its jumps. As if that wasn't enough, the Perfect Manticores have stingers that put Deathstalkers to shame. Without a doubt, they are the most lethal, most calamitous creatures prowling the surface of Remnant. [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/219/9/5/thus_kindly_i_scatter_by_teflyingninja-d7u035u.jpg]Ragnarok[/url] - While the Perfect Manticores are tantalized by flight, by the prospect of ruling both land and air, it is Ragnarok who has achieved it. While most Grimm are bizarre, twisted creatures reminiscent of animals, Ragnaroks are among the few to have erupted from myth. They are dragons, fire-breathing, kingdom-rocking beasts protected by thick scales and unimaginable power. While as strong or even stronger than Perfect Manticores, Ragnaroks take it a step further by being, in scientific terms, extinct. There have been no recorded sightings of this Grimm in decades, but whether they are dead or simply sleeping is something that all of mankind dreads to find out. [url=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2014/029/7/f/luftfeuer_by_lieutenantmatt-d749x00.jpg]Luftfeuer[/url] - one of the most deceptively dangerous creatures of Grimm known to mankind. Though huge (roughly the size of zeppelins), Luftfeuer are slow, unresponsive, and even harmless the majority of the time. What makes these massive fleas unique is where they live: thousands and thousands of feet in the air, living off the clouds and blocking out the sun. From their abdomens they drop fusillades of bombs constituted of a naturally-produced chemical cocktail surrounded in a mucus membrane. When these bombs hit something, the membrane breaks, and the chemicals ignite upon contact with air, creating a substance virtually identical to napalm. This deadly form of attack, paired with the extreme difficulty killing these beasts, make them terrifying Grausams capable of destroying anything before they're even detected. [/hider][/hider] [h1]Beacon Staff[/h1] [url=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Ozpin]Ozpin[/url] - Headmaster [url=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Glynda_Goodwitch]Glynda Goodwitch[/url] - Combat [url=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Peter_Port]Peter Port[/url] - Grimm Studies [url=http://rwby.wikia.com/wiki/Bartholomew_Oobleck]Bartholomew Oobleck[/url] - History [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/ooc?page=47#post-2414267]Pavel Vorosky[/url] - Survival [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=2#post-2405508]Algernon Fullbuster[/url] - Math [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49899-the-heroes-of-beacon/ooc?page=179#post-2141006]Richard Albion[/url] - Language [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=2#post-2413504]Ni Rensa Ryou[/url] - Computer Science [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49899-the-heroes-of-beacon/ooc?page=183#post-2181587]Caelia Polyhymnia[/url] - Music [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=2#post-2361154]Solomon Agesander[/url] - Psychology [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=2#post-2364817]Sarina Tale Dei[/url] - Combat Aide - Played by Shadowkiller [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=2#post-2366068]Ahriman Kore Agesander[/url] - Physical Education [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=2#post-2416094]Elijah Chatsworth[/url] - Armory [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=3#post-2438970]Rowan Iderson[/url] - Practice [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75870-heroes-of-beacon-the-next-chapter/char?page=3#post-2447681]Esther Vanhomrigh[/url] - Practice Aide - played by Harinezumikouken