The room was lit dimly, the iridescent blue lights on the ceiling and floor providing most of the light, before the massive overhead screens activated, both displaying the same picture. As each team was formed, the 4 were displayed above, and Ozpin named each in turn, beginning with the examinees from the Emerald Forest, each pair receiving applause from the audience.  [b]"...And that concludes the teams formed from the Emerald Forest pairing ceremony. Moving on, we have the teams formed in the Forest of Forever Fall..."[/b] Ozpin said, with an air significantly lighter than the speech he'd given before. Almost looked like he was happy, even. Of course, the Forever Fall pairing ceremony hadn't gone off with as few hitches as its Emerald cousin had. Many were injured, unable to attend the ceremony for a few, but it didn't matter, they had passed the test and were now among allies. Even if they did not stand beside their comrades for the final bit of the ceremony, it was cemented that they were together; a team, that shall stand together, or fall divided.  [b]"Daniel Dalton, Priscilla Montgomery, Greyson Ortega, and Robert Fallson, your team was the first to unite, and after both releasing and then killing the imprisoned Minos Bull, you secured their cards, the Ace of Spades. From this day forth you will work together as team Rampage.”[/b] On the giant screens, the four pictures moves in a row, and above each of their heads appeared their letters: RPDG. [b]“You will be lead by...Robert Fallson! Good luck, young man."[/b] [b]"Next we have Kuhaku Shiro, Abel Fulgurate, Sapphire Rode, and Gren Orchid, who managed to defeat one of the academy's advanced combat machines with its limiters removed, showing great use of their surroundings to heavily damage the old train tunnel atop it, and retrieve the Queen of Clubs cards. Unfortunately, due to their injuries Mr. Shiro and Miss Rode are unable to attend. That said, you four will unite henceforth as team Swansong, and Miss Sapphire Rode will lead you." Another round of applause echoed throughout the auditorium, heightened, perhaps, by a note of sympathy.[/b] [b]"Marcus Goldstein, Diamond Frost, Oswald Connoly, and Aurellius Bellum. Your team, though fragmented at first, came together after two of your number roused a sleeping Datura from its mountainside respite. Though Mr. Connoly's wrist was broken in the ensuing fight, your four managed to blast the Grimm into pieces, and pick the Kings of Spades from its body. You are hereby dubbed Team Moderation, as a reminder that even the most powerful and...headstrong hunters must restrain themselves to work as a team. You will be lead by...Marcus Goldstein! And yes, the irony of making the one with the most firepower the leader of MODA is not lost on me."[/b] [b]"Next, Vivienne Evangeline, Ineko Irandi, Indigo Kafka, and Seilber Vulpez. Your performance in the dreadful region of the forest called Arachne's Tangle, so named for the thick webs that shroud the area in darkness, was most admirable. To challenge an Ariadne on her own turf, pluck the Jack of Diamonds from its nest, and return with only minor acid burns is no small feat for fledgeling hunters. You will now work together as team Silverpoint, led by...Seilber Vulpez."[/b] [b]”Now, before I continue, I must sort out an egregious mistake for which I must apologize. Victor Glade, Rayna Bryson, Jayden Xiang-Delacroix, and Rakim Ali. You have my assurance that senior team Catapult will be held personally responsible for their actions.”[/b] From a sparsely-populated section of the crowd, an angry female voice shouted, “Kaput!” Ozpin glared pointedly, though not without a hint of sorrow, and continued. [b]“Their mission was to do nothing more than test you by protecting the Queens of Hearts, but I need not tell you that they were needlessly brutal about it. From hereon-in, your group is entitled team Jormungandr, and you will be led by Miss Bryson.”[/b] [b]“Pan Neverell, Hansen Forrester, Gretchen Forrester, and Mary Ovisaries. Your team exhibited a remarkable degree of synergy, lasting from the moment you were ambushed by a rogue Wendigo til the hour in which you pried the Jack of Spades cards from the underground Itzamna nest where the Wendigo chased you. While the Wendigo escaped, you have more than demonstrated your ability by surviving both the onslaught of it and the Itzamna. You will now work together as team Pilgrim, and young Pan Neverell will be your leader.”[/b] [b]“Finally, we have Mokuren Sabella, Geni Hung, Jack Orpheus, and Gray Lalunebleu. While the last team to assemble, and your synergy not without its issues, you were nevertheless courageous in your attempt to take on a Salamander nest. Though scorched and under attack from all sides, you managed to steal the King of Diamonds cards and retreat without any casualties. You are hereby united as team Gilgamesh. Team GJGM will be led by Geni Hung.”[/b] Ozpin took a pause as the teams finished being announced, before he tapped his cane on the floor of the stage once. [b]”You have all performed well in coming this far, but this is merely the first step of the miles ahead of you. For now, rest and take joy in your victory. For the next four years, the people beside you will be your allies, friends, and your peers. Take some time to get to know them, for your lessons begin tomorrow. Dismissed.”[/b] At that note, the crowded audience thinned as students returned to their daily lives, and the teachers simply returned to their classrooms. Ozpin, as he does, simply faded into the crowd, leaving the teams to their own devices for the time being. ((Before you reply, please take the time to transpose your sheet into the Characters section. We're going to need 'em))