Erm..." a blush crept up into Steph's pale cheeks, taken aback at Ethan's sudden excitement; and touched by his compliment. "Well, I-I'm sure it would be really hard to do it." She stammered, her face growing hotter by the second as she realized how close to the truth he was. Would it be safe to tell him? Although she felt she could trust him with anything, she just didnt want to risk alienating him - especially after just pushing away her group of aquaintaces. [i]"Maybe I should tell him... He's so close already..."[/i] Steph thought to herself, and her eyes widened ever so slightly at another realization. In his excitement, Ethan had stepped closer to her, so they were but centimetres apart. If someone were to walk down the corridor to see this; the two so close together, Ethan with that excited smile on his face and Steph blushing like a total moron, they would definitely get the wrong idea. [i]"Is it wrong?"[/i] A small voice in the back of her head asked. Choosing to ignore this, she gave a nervous laugh and began walking again, Ethan immediately following. "Maybe we could practice together. You're pretty creative yourself, y'know." She said, then paused, thinking of their lessons later. It was all boring, academic stuff like History and English till the end of school. She didn't listen in those classes - and she knew fine well Ethan probably didn't either. "Want to skip class after art? I know a quiet place we can go to." She suggested as they walked, still with that nervous smile on her face, and staring at the ceiling. She was still blushing, and trying immensely hard not to look at Ethan. [i]"Why am I acting like this? Its not like I just asked him out or anything. Would I be that disappointed if he said no?"[/i] An internal debate swirled around Steph's mind as she awaited his answer. [i]"Yes, I suppose I would."[/i] She replied to herself silently, an almost miserable tone in her mind. She was used to rejection - it came with being born into her family. But with Ethan, she just knew it would feel worse.