Though it's obviously not finished, I figured I should put this here just in case anybody cares. [quote][b]Organization Name:[/b] The Seven Ninja Swordsmen [b]Country of Origin:[/b] Non-applicable, the Swordsmen are a group built through reputation, not through national allegiance. [b]Hierarchy and Focus:[/b] You either are a member, or you aren't. There is no hierarchy save the unwritten rule of giving respect to your fellow swordsmen based upon a combination of age, skill, and wisdom. A Swordsman can go his entire life without ever meeting the other six due to the nature of the group's reputation. Those who possess the skill to wield one of the legendary seven blades are regarded not only as legends within their homeland, but are treated with almost universal respect throughout the world, and many a swordsman has sought out a "sword-bearer" for tutelage or to challenge his predecessor for his title and blade. (This will more than likely be expanded, I wrote it in a rush and don't much like it) [b]History:[/b] All you really need to know for now (basically, before I morph this into the greatest tale ever about seven legendary swordsmen who are totally badass and better than anyone else on the planet) is that Chigetsu is leading a campaign in the Land of Water due to the constant state of civil war dubbed "The Era of the Bloody Mist" and all that fun shit. His "organization" for the most part are the clans and individual shinobi that have pledged fealty to him, which I believe wouldn't be much at the moment, though I could be wrong. [b]Known Members:[/b] [list] [*]Shinji Uzumaki, the first of the swordsmen to gather worldwide renown. Forger of [url=]Hiramekarei[/url]. Deceased. [*][b]Chigetsu Hōzuki[/b], student of Shinji's and current sword-bearer of [url=]Hiramekarei[/url]. [*][i]Inzō Kobayashi[/i], an infamous bandit from the Land of Lightning. Creator of the twin-swords [url=]Kiba[/url]. [*][i]Kazuma[/i], a large man with an equally large personality. Took [url=]Kabutowari[/url] as a spoil of war during a conflict in the Land of Earth. [*]Hirotaka Hyūga, a traveling swordsman who abandoned his clan due to philosophical debates. Creator of [url=]Nuibari[/url]. [*]Your player character here! [/list] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [b]Bolded[/b] = Player character [i]Italic[/i] = Unnecessary, can be changed if someone would like their assigned sword, essentially. Otherwise = NPC [b]Techniques:[/b][/quote] A note before anyone even asks: No, Chigetsu is not just walking around with badasses at his beck and call, we must have some semblance of a challenge in that war, don't we?