"Agreed, the fight could have been better. But atleast we learned some things about our fellow jinchuuriki" Leiko replied to Natori as she watched how Ryu got up, without a scratch on him. [i]"It seems it will take alot of damage to hurt him, I guess that kekkai genkai really proves it's use."[/i] She thought to herself. Leiko chuckled softly as Natori and Ryu started talking about sparring with each other. [i]"I reall need to witness that fight. I think it would a be a though fight for Ryu-san to get through Natori-san's degense, but at the same time i don't know if Natori can inflict enough damage to hurt or slow down Ryu-san enough. Oh well, I just have to wait for their fight."[/i] She thought to herself, as she watched the two boys. There was a slight hesitation in Leiko's posture as she bit her lip, trying to decide what to do next. She wouldn't mind learning ninjutsu, but she also really wanted to improve her fuinjutsu and kenjutsu. "Ano, Kombei-sensei. I would like to learn some ninjutsu further along my training, but I would really like to focus more on fuinjutsu for now, if that's possible." Leiko asked the man that was adressing them, the hesitation and doubt dissapearing from her posture as she started to speak. Leiko wasn't really suprised when Izumi-sensei showed up, showing up like this just before training is somethinge she expected from Izumi-sensei afterall. "Hai Izumi-sensei." Leiko replied to the older girl infront of her, she wasn't sure why she wanted them there. But she would just have to find that out after training session this day.