"Don't lump me in with you," was Klaus' response to the comparison of kill counts. He wasn't too fond of bragging of his killings of other vampires; while he disliked the majority, he didn't go out of his way to kill one unless self defense was a reason. It was this attitude, among others, that prevented him from joining the Kingston family. His gaze flickered between Mithias and Praetor, his arms crossing over his chest as he stood to the side. Meanwhile, his ears were open to Mira, making sure she didn't encounter trouble at the front door. Mira stared at the strange person before her, studying his unique features as he studied her plain ones. "Well I'm the head of the family, so you come at a good time," she said despite the exchange of bitter words going on in the kitchen. "I'm Mirabelle Kingston--just Mira is fine. Come on in, Mr. Heidrich," the woman added, stepping aside to lead the other vampire in to where the two ancients were squabbling in front of the guest. "Preator, do try not to intimidate our guests--" she paused, eyeing the golden eyed stranger as his jaw dropped in some sort of awe. Then she grew silent for a moment, her gaze flickering to everyone in the room. It was a bit of a full house so she would have to handle this gracefully. "Praetor, will you please help Mr. Mathias Heidrich here? He's seeking asylum within our family and I'm inclined to give it to him after you ask him some questions and make sure he's a good fit for the family. "And I didn't catch your name," she added, her blue gaze following on Mithias, "but perhaps we could take a walk? I'd like to give Praetor and Mr. Heidrich privacy as well as you and me." Then her eyes flickered to Klaus pointedly. The older vampire sighed and pushed away from the table. "I just got here and you're kicking me out. Luckily for you, I'm thirsty anyway," Klaus provoked, flashing a grin at Praetor before quickly leaving bounding out the kitchen and then out the front door.