[quote=Gwazi Magnum] It ain't my fault if you wanna hate. :P I'm part of the community just like you are, and I'm active just like you are. Wow, we have a lot in common. Let's be friends. <3 [/quote] How do you feel about being in a community where no one wants you? Are you really okay with that? Why? Why do that to yourself and others? Yes it is your fault. Please consider some self-reflection rather than deflection. EDIT: And do something less cliche when you're out of good arguments instead of saying "I love you too." EDIT2: Listen, you can get just as much negative (though juicily validating) attention on a site like 4chan. Why don't you try spending a bit more time there instead? You could say dumb things in a twitch chat, even. Those are always active. EDIT3: And stop writing this shit off as personal hatred. I don't even know you. I don't hate you. You don't get to write it off as someone else's blind, irrational-to-you, hatred towards you. The specific things you are doing here are not good. It's not a "hate you cuz they ain't you" sorta thing. It's a "you're doing bad things" thing. EDIT4: I do believe you have more brain functionality than Nat. That's why I hope you'll actually take a clue.