Daniel smirked as his name was called. It was only natural that he would pass the initiation. Admittedly it was not what he had expected, but it was exciting, and it actually forced him to work in a team. Admittedly, his teammates came in handy, but he didn't really like being in a team. Oh well, four years wouldn't be too long. His team leader, Robert if he remembered correctly, suddenly decided that they should go to their room. Daniel was about to use his usual, "Who made you boss?" line when he realized how stupid that sounded right now. He glanced at the other teams, then followed Robert to their room. It was smaller than he expected. "OK, let's establish whose beds are whose," Daniel said. "We certainly don't want to mix up our beds and find people sleeping in the wrong beds, now would we? Although... finding a girl sleeping in your bed might not be a bad thing, eh?" He gave a little nudge to Priscilla, then laughed at his own joke.