[quote=Awson]So you're acknowledging that you're a troll?[/quote] No. Just that my happiness isn't reliant on a few people behind a computer screen with an an imaginary score to settle. [quote=Awson]You actually cause people to react this way. It's because you're intolerable. It's hard to quantify on your end, I know, but maybe start listening to everyone around you?[/quote] People are free to like and dislike who they wish. But you've (not you specifically, but anyone who thinks like this) taken personal dislikings, and turned them into public argument and debates. And then further pushed it to tear spam into being angry and argumentative environment. And I have listened to people. But it's not my fault if the other side decides to ignore and continue the hostilities. Which was made apparent when even when I'm just making fun posts, people are saying stuff like "You have no argument", thereby turning completely fun and relaxed threads, and turning them into a perceived debate.