[quote=Gwazi Magnum] Humanity isn't known for being rationale. There's lots of cases of hating individuals or groups of people for reasons that basically went down to things like being told to, needing a scapegoat etc. It ain't always the hated persons/groups fault.[/quote] That is a true thing about humans, yes. But that is not what is happening here. You think it is because you are you, and of course you think you're right by default, but you really need to open your eyes and realize that you're completely fucking wrong and everyone but you thinks so. hold on, I posted that too soon. Let me reply more before you reply to this and everything gets out of order. EDIT: [quote]That being said, I've admitted multiple times in the past I was a contributing part to arguments on spam. And constantly extended hands and offers to fix the rip and have better relations. Which has worked with the people on Iwaku, but clearly is not working with some people here. So what happens when I extend the offer of peace, and they continue to hate anyways?[/quote] Extending your fucking hand after being terrible doesn't automatically mean shit. Especially because you're doing it for nothing more than the act itself and you have no desire to acknowledge how fucking wrong you are or change the problem. [quote]My choice want to have fun and not let the downers impact my mood or the mood of the community. If people want to be negative that's their right, but it's not a choice I'm going to make. [/quote] You can choose to have fun. I'm not going to take that away from you. But you cannot do it at the expense of others. And yes, that is exactly what you're doing. And before you say that it is our fault for not liking it, you're fucking wrong again. You're screaming next to an opera house. You're shitting outside of a diner. You're pissing in the pool. You're being incredibly annoying right next to us and it is YOUR doing and YOUR fault. Okay, now you can go. EDIT: [quote]And then further pushed it to tear spam into being angry and argumentative environment.[/quote] LOL you're concerned about the environment of Spam? The irony hurts. You lower the quality of the environment every time you post.