It took Ru a moment to understand what Nero was saying. He spoke strangely, almost as if unused to the language. When Ru did understand, he was left with wondering more about this Nero. Having lived on a secluded manor might explain some of his odd tendencies, perhaps they spoke a different language there, and this was not Nero's mother tongue. Also, what was psychology? Perhaps it related to Nero's form of magic? Ru's thoughts were cut off as the man took a dagger to his hand. [b]"A deal bound in blood, my great grandfather used to say, can never be broken. Let us ride and fight together, will you let your blood with mine?"[/b] Ru blanched at this, unsure of what to do. [i]A blood oath?[/i] It seemed a bit much, for a job so ... open ... as this. Blood oaths brought to mind the darker parts of the undercity, the kind of think assassins and conspirators would use to bind themselves together. Ru had never been a huge fan of assassination. Thieving, in his opinion, was far more honorable than leaving some poor sap dead in his sleep. Not something he particularly wanted to get involved in. [b]"Uh...."[/b] Ru stalled, trying to think of a way to diffuse the situation. A moment later, he regained his composure. [b]"The oath you offer is far too solemn for this occasion."[/b] He said formally, folding Nero's offered hand and returning it to him. [b]"I would not be the one to swear with either. That honor would belong to Ordore, who will be leading this scouting party."[/b] As he spoke, the formality gradually left his voice, however it stayed a slightly more somber tone than usual. [b]"We should gather Misala, and then we can go to him."[/b] At this Ru began heading into the direction of the assassin, working to answer Nero's earlier question. [b]"The town we'll be heading probably isn't on your maps. Most of the places out are subject to both bandits and wild beasts, and tend not to stay for too long. A good many of them end up like Misala back there."[/b] At this, he nodded back towards the smoldering remains of Misala-the-Town. The folk that lived out here generally weren't the most fortunate, nor the wealthiest. Which was part of the reason Ru never came out here much. They soon reached 'Misala' the person, who gladly fell in with them after being saved from a conversation with an energetic brown haired woman. Ru continued speaking as they headed for Ordore. [b]"The particular village we're heading for is in [i]that[/i] direction."[/b] Ru gestured vaguely with his arm in the direction of the town, then continued speaking. [b]"I believe it's a bit under a day's walk from here, and it should be safe from the Luminous Knights. They don't come out here often. Ordore here can tell you the details if you wish."[/b] Ru finished up his monologue as they approached where Ordore and Eddy were conferring. He gave Ordore an exaggerated salute before addressing him. [b]"Looks like we're all ready."[/b]