[img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/062/8/2/__jester___by_etae-d3atgat.png[/img] Name: Milo "The Jester" Cash Age: 50 (looks 15) When you were turned: Birth (I'm a werewolf not a vampire I just work for the vampire Clothes: Jesters outfit Black and dried blood red, skulls are my bells for the hat. Hair: Black Eyes: Red Weapons: Bone Scythe, Twin Hornets[url]http://humster3d.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/23/Twin-Tri-Shot-Hornet-Pistols-competition.jpg[/url] *Face will be displayed when I uncover it, for now it is forever covered by a mask that may eventually be taken off