[b]"Dad, no, please. DAD! DAD!"[/b] a female voice shouted, grabbing Kuhaku from his dream and jerking him back to reality. Eyes slowly opening, his white ears twitched and swiveled searching for the source of the shouting that woke him up. Carefully, he sat up in his hospital bed. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned. Looking at his hands, he sat there in silence wondering if he just imagined the shouting. How long had he been sleeping for? [b]"NO!"[/b] the same voice from earlier screamed, startling Kuhaku and making him jump. He definitely didn't imagine the voice. There was a ruckus, a short commotion. Was someone hurt? What was going on? Remaining still, he listened carefully. Someone was crying. Looking at the medical equipment he was connected to, he moved quickly. He pulled out the IV drip, removed the oxygen mask from his face, the heart rate monitor, and anything else he was attached to. As the heart rate monitor flatlined and droned on after being disconnected from him, he pulled it closer and switched it off. Grabbing onto the sides of the medical bed, he swung his legs from underneath the blankets and stood. Wincing, his muscles ached and his bones groaned at him. But, he was okay. More importantly, someone in the infirmary with him seemed to be in distress. Throwing open his privacy curtains, he used his hearing to pinpoint the source of the crying. As he stood in front of the patient's privacy curtain, he spoke up and announced himself. It was only polite. [b]"H-...Hello? Hey, are you alright? Is everything okay in there? I heard some shouting and crying and I wanted to come check up on you. Is it alright if I come in?"[/b] He reached in and parted the curtains just ever so slightly, just enough to poke one white tiger ear in along with his tail. It was his odd way of showing who he was to test the waters incase it was someone who knew him or he knew.