Rakim had gotten the worst end of the stick by far. Most of the team got off mildly, with one major injury but Rakim ran his mouth in battle like he usually did and got his ass stomped hard. He wasn't dead or forced in a hospital but he sure as hell got off the worst of the team. That wasn't a good thing, he didn't have the endurance of a tank. He was slightly irritated that everyone had gotten compliments while they got an apology for getting their ass beaten. Like hell he was just going to let team whatever get away with that. The next time they'd fight he would give them an ass whooping for sure. He wasn't surprised when the young lady of the team had gotten the responsibility of being a leader. She was good at whatever she did, her improvisation of tactics was commendable and she seemed experienced. Of course she wasn't fucking with Rakim though, he just was too busy getting the shit beaten out of him and talking trash to do his usual strategic routine and impress everyone. He wasn't mad, it was just a title anyway. As long as he could kick ass, specifically team 'catastrophe', he was happy. "Talk about your greatness? Oh I[i]will[/i] talk about your greatness alright." She woke them up early, wearing sports gear so Rakim already predicted what was going to come. He honestly wasn't interested in doing physical exercise at his current state but he had to if he wanted to get stronger. "You know, I'm actually down for throwing stuff their window. I have a few dynamites that could do the trick.", Rakim smirked. Did they think they were tough? They might be but a little bit of training here and Rakim would surpass them. He was himself after all. "Also, learn how to draw. You can have the greatest plan of all time but we wouldn't know if it looks like you tried to draw a purple tiger." He did some dynamic stretching before taking the jog, making sure to adjust to the pace of the leader to talk to her. "So, the first order of business should be finding out our members capabilities. I wasn't able to show everything I have and my style of fighting heavily needs good teamwork.", not because it wouldn't be as effective himself. Mainly because he might trap another member with his dynamites. "From there on we can formulate tactics from the synergy we have in our abilities. You can also adjust our training to that, since", referring to the random morning run. "To maximize our growth." Rakim was serious about wanting to prank team 'catastrophe' He even showered the dynamites he was going to use in the trash while jogging so that what would explode in their room was trash. The place where they'd have to sleep and live would smell like trash. They'd probable feel comfortable there, in a room full of what they are. So practically playboy model over there couldn't complain that they were making enemies, they were actually doing them a favor. He didn't bother remembering the map. Just following Jayden and Rayna because apparently they knew the route.