Standing on the podium, his wrist confined to an extremely uncomfortable cast, Oswald looked out at the other students with a feeling of pride. He was officially a Huntsman-in-training now. The test had been a hell of a fight, but they'd managed to take down one of the more durable Riesen-class Grimm, a feat not many rookies could claim. Datura were hulking monstrosities that took more firepower than the average Huntsman could manage, but that Marcus with his tank was more than enough on his own. As long as nothing got close, which that girl...Diamond, was it?...had managed. Oswald and the other guy, Aurellius, did some damage on their own, but Marcus was responsible for most of the pain. To the Grimm, at least. Oswald's shattered wrist throbbed again, reminding him that he didn't get out of this in top condition. Despite their ridiculous size, it turned out that Datura were more than capable of some pretty quick movement. At least, individual parts were. Still, a fucking tree trunk? He was lucky it was his shield arm that got the hit, because that probably would have taken half his arm with it otherwise. Overall, the team wasn't too bad. The douchebag with the giant lance was definitely capable of dishing out damage in just about any situation, the girl who came off as a total bitch did a damn good job of fighting, and well....the other guy had a tank. Nothing further needed to be said. Oswald knew that he himself could hold his own, having done enough of that back home. Growing up outside the kingdoms was a lot of work, and the day he knew he was made to fight Grimm, he was training as hard as he ever had before. It had been a long five years, but not every kid from these teams could call themselves a true hunter like Oswald was: born for nothing more than to live and die for the cause of killing Grimm. He didn't know the others' motivations, but his was simple: protect those who are not meant to protect themselves. It was what he'd been chosen to do, and had been a matter of course for as long as he cared to remember. When Diamond asked 'what now?' Oswald gave a shrug. "My guess would be to find where we'll be staying while we're here."