It's been 30 years since the defeat of the Anti-Spirals and things could not be better. The Spirals have helped established a peaceful galactic community with other worlds of humans and other species thus ensuring the Spiral Nemesis will never come to be. Mechas are now a common sight across the galaxy being used for various services including construction, deep sea and dangerous environment exploration, and of course military service. Gurren Lagann is still in service with none still on par with this mighty Gunman. Now however Gimmy has passed it onto another renowned pilot within the Spiral military whom has proven himself to be a fine successor. Sadly not all good things last. It was during an intense battle over the skies of Spiral-Earth a malfunction with the Spiral Perceptual Teleportation. During the battle Gurren Lagann along with its sole pilot vanished without a trace. Attempts of using Perceptual Teleportation to find them both have come up with nothing even when the Super Galaxy Dai Gurren attempted to find it. Thus with a great sadness upon their hearts the Spirals gave up. Mourning the loss of the pilot and the symbol of hope of their entire race. With the loss of Lagann a secret project known as Uplink was accelerated. The Spiral Government for years had been working on a means to replicate Lagann's ability to hijack and upgrade any machine it is connected to. With the increase support and additional resources flowing in Project Uplink was coming closer to results with the first prototype a gunman known as Cypher. The tests were running smoothly with Cypher it was successfully hijacking other mechas and upgrading them just like its predecessor. It at first seemed they had created a new Lagann. Then talk began to grow of improving the original design and include computer based assistance to the pilot. Soon an AI assistance system was installed into Cypher and performance was increasing even further than ever thought was possible with Gurren Lagann! Until something unexpected happen. Something the Spirals did not anticipate. As a result of continuous use of Spiral Energy and hijacking various gunmen. The AI within Cypher developed and became conscious and even talked using Cypher as its shell. Panic began to ensure over the risk of a conscious Gunman as powerful as Cypher and the decision was made to pull the plug and destroy Cypher. That would have been a good idea if Cypher chose to comply. Instead Cypher struck first. Declaring war on its creators and to make matters even worse Cypher had prepared for such a war. As it turns out that every time it had hijacked a Gunman it implanted a virus allowing remote control access of the Gunman's systems. A critical advantage as Cypher was connected to almost every form of Gunman even the Super Galaxy Dai Gurren! Thus within a day, two years after Cypher's construction, Spiral Earth was set ablaze with millions slaughtered. Forcing the few hundreds remaining to flee from their home and head to the stars. News spread like wildfire of Cypher's anarchy and before long the Galaxy Democracy panicked and blamed the Spirals for creating the monster. Before long a powerful military world known as Nova stepped forward and offered the other worlds protection against Cypher and thus the democracy fell and in its place a cruel and ruthless militaristic Empire took its place. Many had hoped Simon the Digger would return and save the universe as he had so long ago....but he never appeared with none even certain if he was still alive. The remaining Spirals were broken and hopeless with none remaining able to harness the vast power of Spiral Energy. The few Spirals remaining were shunned by the universe and none would take them in. Forcing them to begin a new on a small planet working as miners at their colony to mine ore for a small profit to the Nova Empire. Those who chose not to work in the mines left the colony and chose to follow a life of crime. It has been twenty years since the fall of Spiral Earth. Now MC is one of these Spiral Rogues, making a living smuggling goods. Cypher is still in control of Spiral-Earth and has slowly been expanding with his army of Gunmen and ships and the Nova Empire is at constant war with it. While in addition fighting a small resistance movement against the Empire. One day a group of resistance fighters approach MC in a bar and offer him a job. Smuggle a shipment to a backwater planet where one of their bases lie. The cargo? YC a young twenty year old girl who is in possession of a small drill necklace. The daughter of the pilot that went missing with Gurren Lagann all those years ago. Unable to remember much about her childhood, this girl is the last hope of recovering the legendary Gunman and reigniting the fire that was the Spiral race's drive to do the impossible. This is a fun idea I thought up of the other day and would love if anyone would like to play it. I am open to changing a few things around if needed. I would prefer someone who can reply somewhat regularly and give more than one line.