Assuming you still have openings MASTER CS Name: Count Leopold George Rakoczi Age: Unknown (The Count De San Germain's age is a mystery as he is believed to have operated under many assumed names in the past. He is at least 400 years old But could be 700 years old or older) Appearance: The Count has Olive Skin, Brown Eyes, And Silver white hair though the hair itself is something he is known to change as it suits his wishes. Some say his body is something he changes as he wills it Bio: While his ultimate Identity may be in Dispute the entity known as The Count of Saint Germain first became known by that identity in the middle 18th century. He was first recorded by english authorities who arrested him on suspicion of Espionage for the Jacobites. The English crown was unable to find proper charges against him and he was known to have charmed many in the court of Saint James, including the Prince of Wales himself. He later became known in the Court of Louis the XVth of France as a diplomat and a frequent personage in the best Salon's of Paris. In the Presence of Casanova he once confessed to being 300 years old in the 1740s (which would have put his birth some time in the 15th century if true) and told many tales that seemed beyond the realm of the possible to Casanova. In other Salons he told tales that in their day were nonsensical but people 130 years later would find in the Epic of Gilgamesh (Which could place the count into the thousands of years of age potentially) During this period of his life he was an Agent of the French and maybe the British crown who sought to end the 7 Years war, the first war of a truly global scope. He was an active composer who produced numerous songs and mentored many occultists during this period of his life. He "died" penniless so the legend goes but after his supposed death he was sited around the world. The American and French Revolutionary leader were said to have met with him. In the 19th, 20th, and into the 21st century numerous occultists and spiritualists found or were mentored by the Count of Saint Germain. Skills and Abilities: The Count speaks numerous languages and is a skilled Diplomat and negotiator. He is a classically trained musician and is fluent in numerous languages. He is an Alchemist who is believed to have mastered either the Elixir of life or the ability to have controlled reincarnation where he simply can awaken his skills in his next life at a time and place of his choosing. Magic: The Count is a Penultimate Telepath: Many who think they have seen the count are seeing a telepathic projection of him (which can be done to multiple persons). This Telepathic skill has allowed him to be a figure of influence in and around major world events. Some even speculate he can project his thoughts telepathically into the future or past of any person he can establish a physical connection with. The Count is one of the greatest Alchemists alive. His physical form has achieved freedom from any form of Natural death, and through alchemical treatment of his body his soul will incarnate (should he die) retaining all of his knowledge and wisdom.He has demonstrated the ability to turn organic matter into gold by alchemical changes. Some speculate he even has the power to create living beings through alchemy. Other: