[b]Enrique-The B&B-Emma[/b] Enrique smiled when the girl hit the targets after she was laughed at. It meant she fed her skill with anger, and in the world they lived in that was gonna be necessary. When she had finished firing he walked up to her and took the pistol from her hand. He smiled when she questioned why he bothered to train her, to trust her with a gun and such. "Well since you didnt turn around and try and shoot any of us I know you have common sense, while you may not like us we arent bad people. Sylar killed my woman, so I killed him. Tyler tricked me into killing for him, so if I find him I kill him. The Pack here is more about vengeance, a balance between our animistic side and the humanity that drives us to continue. I'm bothering to train you because you're a part of the next generation, the people that have to live through this world." Enrique gestured to the men behind her and the house, "Me and mine?" He said rhetorically, "We adapted, and you and yours are gonna be living through this world. I figure if y'all are trained you'll last. Besides, The Pack needs pups in order for us to continue." Enrique ejected the empty magazine and reloaded it. He aimed his pistol down range and selected a can to the left of the stump, he squeezed the trigger. A metalic pang came from the can and he selected a new target, a bottle resting against the stump, he shot again, it shattered. He selected a new can to the right of the stump and shot twice, one skimming the top of the can and the other landing dead center. He went back to the original can and shot it again, he found a bottle on the stump and shot it. The last shot struck a can far to the right of the stump. He ejected the magazine and handed them to the girl, then the gun. "Tell Berkley to fill those up for you, I expect you'll want some more training with that gun." Enrique said taking a knee next to the girl, "I'm not trying to be a bad guy, I only ever wanted to keep my people alive. The people I've killed have only been in interest of keeping my friends and family alive. That's what our Pack is, if one of us is in danger we all fight to keep them safe. If you want in you're welcome to it, once you get [i]La Pistola[/i] filled up come find me." Enrique stood and patted the girl on the shoulder as he walked off, he made his way to the front of the B&B where they had everything from the trucks stashed, keys, fuel, food, ammo, and guns. He picked up a shotgun, rather light and relatively compact in his hands and loaded it. He walked into the kitchen and set it down waiting for Emma to come in. He began carving away at the table, making a little mural of a [i]Dia De Dos Muertos[/i] skull towards the center of the table.