[center][img]http://i919.photobucket.com/albums/ad39/ExplosiveWish/Capture31_zpsc473a050.png[/img] (I'll make more doodles later. :p) Alaric Keto | Male | Twelve | Hufflepuff[/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] ~ Lighter olive-ish skin ~ Starting to get a few pimples here and there ~ Short black-ish hair ~ Cerulean blue eyes ~ Slightly willowy stature, a bit taller than his peers ~ Fairly "average" build, but somewhat boyish [b]Wand:[/b] Curupay, dragon heartstring, ten inches [b]Pet:[/b] A rather old owl named Minna. Alaric doesn't seem to care much for the owl herself, but is still protective of her nonetheless since she used to belong to his brother. [b]Strengths:[/b] Alaric's best class would definitely be flying (although Quidditch doesn't really seem to be his thing). The other class he seems to be alright in is Defense Against the Dark Arts. But really, the most prominent "talent" of his seems to be throwing around empty threats, actually. That and sucking up to any purebloods he happens to spot. (...The boy doesn't excel much in anything, really.) If the ability to fanatically follow someone counts, that'd be a thing too. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] It's ridiculously easy to take advantage of Alaric if you're pureblood and hate muggle-borns, since he tends to gravitate towards people whose blood status he considers to be better than his. (Half bloods are alright to him, but he still views them as people he wouldn't want to associate himself with unless there were no purebloods around... despite being a half blood himself.) If he comes to respect you enough, though, and your interests happen to align with his, he'd probably start to follow you rather... fanatically. [b]Personality:[/b] While Alaric isn't really one for frequently getting into fights, he's definitely the type to be easily provoked. Any and all insults towards him will be considered good reason to a) start holding grudges b) for him to start clumping you into the same group as "mudbloods and blood traitors" or c) (if you've ticked him off enough) possibly start a fight. (He'll definitely start a fight if you've been questioning his idea of justice or , though. Definitely.) On a side note, it's probably worth mentioning that any blood traitors / muggle-borns / muggle-born sympathizers will instantly earn his undying hatred. Aside from that, Alaric also has this tendency to try and play the role of the "hero", and will frequently try to help out others / maybe even save them if the situation calls for it. (Of course, this treatment is almost exclusively for purebloods. Muggle-borns, muggles and blood traitors will all be ignored. Half bloods... are a big "maybe".) The boy pretty much considers [i]everything[/i] he does to be the "right thing to do", actually. It's probably not a good idea to question this (since Alaric never questions things like this), and doing so might... mess with his mind. [b]History:[/b] Alaric was born to two half blood parents in Britain (although his mother's family was Irish and his father's Finnish / British). Growing up, his brother had always been a big influence to him, with him looking up to him even more than he did to his parents. He never had much exposure to the muggle world, either, so most of the concepts there were (and still are) rather foreign to him. While his parents were definitely anti-muggle / muggle-born, his brother was the one who really brought the prejudice up a notch. (This didn't really start until his brother's third year at Hogwarts, though.) Alaric, as a child, would always look forward to when his brother came home from Hogwarts during breaks and tell stories of everything that'd happened there, especially during Quidditch practice. (This lead to him being slightly obsessed with brooms for a while.) Sometime around when his brother was in his third year, however, his stories turned from more light hearted ones to ones focusing more on muggle-borns and how they were a hindrance to the wizarding world. And, as time went on, they developed undertones (and then overtones) of how ultimately, it would be true justice for someone to wipe the muggle-borns and blood traitors off the face of the planet. It was then that Alaric started to get the idea that, maybe, he should try to actually help the purebloods get rid of the mudbloods to maybe gain his brother's approval. This started off as more of a minor thing, but soon developed into an unhealthy obsession, and eventually evolved and invaded almost his entire mindset. Then, a few years later, it was time for Alaric to go to Hogwarts. Naturally, remembering his brother's stories, he was rather excited to go. (...Although he probably won't remain happy for long after he realizes how many muggle-born students there are compared to the number of purebloods.) [b]NPCs:[/b] Father - Alvar Keto - Hufflepuff Mother - Darina Keto Brother - Archie Keto - Gryffindor - Perhaps the biggest influence in Alaric's life so far. He looks up to him even more than he does his parents, and would probably die for him. His prejudice against muggle borns also stems from him. Since he's already graduated from Hogwarts, though, he probably won't be appearing much in the roleplay.