As Harry hopped from foot to foot, he couldn't help but feel like he was stepping on something squishy that lay invisible beneath the opaque green liquid. At the very least, nothing bad was happening now. And he even felt the broken rung of the ladder, which happened to be about the same size as his stick, though hollow. All of the plants in their terrariums were now pressed against their glass, as if trying to get to Harry, but there didn't seem to be any threat of them escaping or anything. "Ah'm comin' down thayer, too! I'll help yeh look fer stuff," Ronnie piped as he climbed down the ladder, careful to grip the sides instead of the rungs. "Whoa!" He sighed as he reached the bottom and walked over to the broken tank. He hadn't noticed the wooden chest on the other side of the room, nor did he seem to notice the little plants pressing against the glass to try to follow him as he walked by. He reached the tank and down stooped to examine the panel. "Whell, it don't look like nuthin' alien...looks like English, actually!" He stood and turned around, craning his neck to try to see up through the ladder hole, trying to see if either of the other adults were there. "Can't say I can read what it says, though... Maybe we should check up above and see what's up thayer! Maht find sum ayunswers thayer, cuz there don't seem to be much down heer but sum creepy plant jars..." He said, finally noticing the terrariums. "Hans is too big fit through the ladder holes. Hans will wait here," Hans stated in third person. Stewart was busy trying to reach for the shiny thing on the hook above the fallen poster. Turns out it was a tiny little old-fashioned key, but he just couldn't reach it. "I say, young Isaac, you're a tall fellow. Taller than me at any rate. Won't you grab this key for me? I would ask Hans, but he seems to be quite occupied at the moment." Hans was again admiring his muscles, though it was his gleuts he was trying to admire this time, and he couldn't quite twist his body or head enough to see over his gargantuan shoulders.