Name: Jacob Masters Nickname(s): Jake Gender: Male Age:11 House: Gryffindor Appearance: [img][/img] He is tall for his age and to get taller with age but sort of thin in the way am eleven year boy would be. H Wand: Wood: English Oak Core: Dragon's Heartstring Length: 11 3/4 Description: His wand is light brown and longer then most wands. The grip is flat and looks smooth. No known powers. Pet: A black cat named Martin Strengths: He is decent at making potions since he watched his mother making them when he was young. He always enjoyed helping her and learned a bit about it. His mother never taught him anything dangerous of course , just the basics of what he would need in school. His two older brothers loved Quidditch and needed someone to practice with so they used their little brother as a Keeper. So Jake is decent with a broom and being a keeper. He hopes to be the Keeper for his house when he is older. His brothers were on the team before him. Jake loves most animals due to his upbringing. So he is comfortable with things that would scare most children. He is fearless in general but especially with animals. He tried to make friends with everyone and has a joke ready for everything. Weaknesses: Said fearlessness gets him into a lot trouble. It tends to make him impulsive by nature. He sometimes just speaks without thinking at all. He sometimes gets quiet and sullen for seemingly nothing. Personality: Jake is quick with a smile and a joke no matter what. He is always happy to meet new people and can be rather pushy with his introductions. He had to be pushy with two older brothers at home. He seemingly does not care if he is alone though. His happy with talking or reading a book for either class or fun. Jake likes any kind of animal no matter what. He always seems to have mischief in his eyes. Jake seems to want to be like both of his brothers. History: Jacob Xander Masters was born on June 11 on his family's farm. His parents ran a magical farm in a small muggle village. None of the villagers could figure out how the farm kept going. His parents made decent money on the farm so he was not lacking. As the youngest of three boys Jake was never alone during his childhood and it shows in his personality. His parents taught him since he was young to work hard with everything. From the time he was five he had chores on the farm, like chasing out pests from the pumpkin patch or something similar. Jake had grown up listening to his brothers' stories about Hogwarts and he dreamed of going there himself. When his brothers were gone at the school his mother taught him different simple potions to make. Jake always liked that. His brothers had decided to use him as their Keeper as soon as Jake learned to ride a broom , practicing on a makeshift pitch in the back of the farm. Then his 11th birthday came and with it his owl saying he was accepted to Hogwarts. Jake had never been happier. His dream was coming true. NPCs: Ryan Masters Relationship: Older Brother. Description: He looks like an older bigger version of his little brother. All of the Masters boys look like their father. However Ryan's eyes are brown compared to Jake's blue eyes , like their mother. He is currently in his fifth year and is a chaser for the Gryffindor team. He sees it as his job to keep his younger brother safe. Henry Masters((Won't be seeing much of him in rp. )) Relationship: Oldest brother Desciption: As with his two younger brothers, Henry looks the same as his brothers. However Henry dyed his hair lime green for a reason only known to him. Jake looks up to Henry the most since he is training to be an Auror.