Ghazghkull realised his current situation and came to senses. They were threatening him. They were clueless of the bloodshed beyond these rooms. He laughed even more and then..... silence. The behemoth looked around the room. He never really used his psychic powers to the full brim yet, so why not try now. Ghazghkull eyes opened wide with blue psychic lightning. The powers of the warp flooded the room, bloodcurdling screams of promise. Warp portals opened in the room, daemon and cultist alike clawing to go through. Slaanesh the Prince of Pleasure. Khorne the Blood God. Nurgle the Plauge Lord. Tzeencht the Changer of Ways. Malal the Renegade God. All five Gods of Chaos or Ruinous Powers leaped into this realm, thirsting for fresh meat. Fortunately for all in this room, that lasted around a second. So only one disciple came in from the depths of the warp. A single Noize Marine. A hulking behemoth standing at seven foot tall, the Noize marine was covered in thick armour, penetrable only to the best of guns. The Astartes Power Armour was covered in decay, and markings to his sick God. Oh and he made some noise. The Noize Marine took his Guitar out and let out a strum. A psychic wave of energy came, enveloping the room with one thing. Noize. All everyone could only hear was bloodcurdling screams, taunts and gifts. Ears bled. Tears fled. Fortunately, Ghazghkull was to quick to react and blasted the marine with his cannon. "BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM". He was dead to a bloody pulp. Ghazghkull then reminded himself of what he was supposed to do. Oh yeah, that. His eyes still with psychic energy he reached into his memories. The Two Wars in Armaggedon. He grabbed it with his psychic hand and let it fly, sending to all in the room. Ghazghkull let himself smile. They would have nightmares after that. The death and destruction of Armaggedon scars all. For billions of souls have died there. And it will never end. Every Orks biggest dream. The endless WAAAGH! In his musing he forgot one thing. The other one. One almost identical to the first. The Noize marine, on the other side of the room. Smile plastered on his face, he let out in a baritone voice "Let the Noize begin."