[center] [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130923173504/mystical-forest/images/a/a2/Akashiya_moka_anime_girls_rosario_to_vampire_1280x800_wallpaper_www.animemay.com_6.jpg[/img] [u]Name[/u] Serenity Nivana [u]Age[/u] Looks 17, unknown [u]When you were turned[/u] 17 [u]Clothes[/u] In Above Image, but she also has a black mini-skirt. [u]Hair[/u] In Above Image [u]Eyes[/u] In Above Image [u]Weapons[/u] Daggers, which she rarely uses. [u]Powers[/u] Daze, Flirt, and Sonokinesis [u]Personality[/u] Ser is an individual vampire who roams the streets at night looking for blood to steal. She is a cold and closed vampire out on the outside, but on the inside she is kind, sweet, flirty, and can be protective of those she loves [/center]