As the intercom crackled to life, Mei's cheery expression faded into a stupified one as a choking sound drowned over the static. As she opened her mouth to voice her concern, a very familiar voice rang out, one that she had only just heard the night before. One that she had never imagined hearing again so soon. [b]"Mei!? What the hell are you doing here!? The last time I saw or heard your voice you ran away from me saying you had to go!"[/b] Struck speechless, Mei's mouth opened uselessly, like a fish gulping for air, as Syrus quickly urged her to enter the building. "So it seems you two have met, hmm?" The unamused voice of her brother murmured beside her as he fixed her with an icy glare. "Fraternizing with the mercenaries? God, Mei, what were you thinking?" "It wasn't-I mean, it's not like that!" Mei whispered back, her face a torn expression of shock and guilt. "I swear, he just helped me out in Balamb. I never imagined-" Another male voice suddenly spoke from the intercom, assuming a more professional and composed tone as he replied to Mei's code word with the correct phrase that both she and Corvo had agreed upon. Once he issued the password for entering the building, Tyler wasted no time in punching it into the intercom, and shortly afterwards, an audible click sounded, confirming their right of entry. Once the intercom's connection cut off, Tyler let out a tired sigh, glancing over at his sister with a disapproving look. "Knew I should have chased after you in Balamb. You're just too damn friendly with everyone." "Yeah, well...oops." Mei's face pulled into a sheepish grin as she shrugged off Tyler's words and tugged the door open. "Look, I promise I'm gonna be professional about this, ok? You know my loyalty is to the Faction, nothing else." "It damn well be," Tyler growled under his breath, something territorial gleaming in his eyes as he followed after the girl into the warehouse, where they would meet up with the assembled SeeDs. Finally, they approached the comms room, where the group of mercenaries were gathered. Mei's eyes glanced over all of them, from the strange, boxer-like girl with a bandage on her nose, to a bespectacled guy in a lab coat and-wait, was that a [b]Moomba?![/b] Mei's hands clapped over her mouth to conceal the squeal that threatened to escape at the sight of the furry little thing, but a steely look from Tyler was enough to force her to keep her composure. Calmly, she looked over at the rest of the group; a scruffy, unkempt male with a serious expression, a familiar grey haired man with glasses (Mr. Duncan! Mei recalled inwardly with a surprised smile,) and last of all..a young male with flaming red hair and a long black coat. Syrus Cromwell, Mei's tour guide and dance partner from the night before. Mei cleared her throat, wringing her hands together in front of her as she felt all eyes drawn to her. "So, umm...guess that the mystery's solved now, right Syrus?" She murmured sheepishly, earning an exasperated sigh from her brother as she squared her shoulders and assumed a more professional stance. "Mei Song, member of the Galbadian Military Resistance Faction," she introduced herself with an uncharacteristically serious edge to her voice as she gestured to her companion. "And this is my partner, Tyler. We're here for the debriefing, as per the contract issued to us by your Garden. Who is the leading SeeD in this operation?"