[center]Hello there, guys and gals. How's it going? You're looking well today; [i]have you lost weight?[/i] Whatever you're doing, it's working. Keep it up. (Virtual High-Five) Welcome to my Search-Thread, a place where you can... well, come and see if there's anything that interests you. It isn't [i]terribly[/i] complicated, is it? I'll list everything I'm interested in below, and you can take a gander and, if anything floats your boat (that's right, I speak in nautical metaphors, children), drop me a PM. Feel free to shoot your ideas my way, too; if it's something I like, I'll run with it. So who am I looking for? Ah, now that is the question of the hour, isn't it? Fortunately for you mere mortals, whom unlike myself are filled with faults and flaws, I'm not looking for any specific person. Really, I'd be happy with someone who can write to a decent standard, and can bring as much to a role-play as I do; if you find yourself struggling during a role-play, just think to yourself, what would Pete do? The answer should be clear. Friendly people are always welcome, too; a smile goes a long way, even a virtual one. This is looking terribly bland, isn't it? Urgh, I just hate it; where's the colour, the fonts... I want to be creative, damn it! Moving on, lets get to my interests, shall we? You ready? You excited? I bet you are. Well calm down, you're embarrassing the both of us. Thank you. Basically, I don't have any specific interests, per say; I'm pretty much game for anything that has a strong premise, good characters and at least some vague idea of a plot. Horror, romance, science fiction, fantasy, historical... all of the above... You cast out your line and I'll probably bite. Unless your idea of a plot revolves around two elderly men fishing in the Alps. Chances are, I won't be down for that one; if that was your idea, I am terribly sorry. I tend more towards darker stories than the opposite, but honestly, if you have an idea and need someone, I'm your man. Maybe. We'll see. As for 'fandoms' (Dear Lord, I hate that word), there aren't really many I'd be interested in with a one x one, because I prefer moving from scratch. I suppose I'd be up for The Elder Scrolls, Supernatural, The Walking Dead... maybe? I don't know; like I said above, it all depends on the plot, and who I'm with. Finally, I'll post any ideas and such I get below. If you read them and are interested, just let me know and drop me a PM. I do ask, however, that you send me a writing sample if you do; I need to know what I'm working with, people. But anyway... thanks for reading. Hopefully I'll hear from some of you beautiful individuals soon. *Virtual Fist-Bump* [/center]