Rose fired again, but this time she missed. It took her a moment to realize that she just fired her last shot. But Rose didn't lower her gun yet. Maybe whoever was talking to her wouldn't know and keep a save distance. Zombies didn't talk right? They wouldn't back down for a gun, unless it went through their head. Rose was looking at the thing that was holding the kevlar vest to her head. Her hand was shaky, but the gun still aimed to whoever was talking. Blood was dropping down on the floor and she knew that would only lure more zombies towards her. She needed to get out of here if she wanted to stay alive for a few extra hours. "Too late." Rose said. Rose was starting to become a bit light headed from the blood loss. It wasn't a small wound and she didn't had time to take a look at it and find some bandages. Thinking about that, she realized that bandaging her wound had little to no use. She was going to die anyway and come back as a zombie. She couldn't shoot a bullet through her head any more, because she wasted her last bullet. There were still a few options left: throw herself off a high building, have someone else bash her head in. Rose could be creative, maybe she would even see the fun in it soon? "Who are you?" Rose asked in a demanding tone. "Lower that stupid vest" She wanted to see who she was talking to and how that person looked like. From what she could see, Rose wasn't sure what she was talking to and she was dying to know.